Review: Bobcat Goldthwait: Soldier for Christ

April 27, 2023

Two Moon­tow­ers back (I think that’s how we tell time now), we brought you an inter­view with Bob­cat Goldth­wait and Dana Gould for the release of their film Joy Ride. The film gave you a taste of both come­di­ans’ work as well as a look behind the cur­tain into their real lives offstage. 

In hopes that taste made you hun­gry for more, Bob­cat Goldth­wait has a treat for you; his new album Sol­dier For Christ is avail­able now! It tru­ly is a treat since despite a long and sto­ried com­e­dy and act­ing career, this is only Goldth­wait­’s 4th stu­dio album. His pat­tern appears to be to release a stu­dio album about once a decade and always in the ear­ly part of the decade. 

In Sol­dier for Christ, if you’re look­ing for an hour of him doing the voice,” this isn’t Offi­cer Zed’s album. If you’re look­ing for some hilar­i­ous tales of an inter­est­ing child­hood, sto­ried career, friend­ship, and fatherhood…now we’re cook­ing. Goldth­wait still takes time to rib the ridicu­lous state of pol­i­tics in a no-holds-barred bipar­ti­san roast, with­out get­ting bogged down in the polit­i­cal mud. He picks you right back up and shares his fun­ni­est mem­o­ries of grow­ing up and com­ing up in com­e­dy. With tales about best friends like Robin Williams and Sponge Bob’s Tom Ken­ny you don’t know what to expect. Did I men­tion he once toured with Nir­vana? Sol­dier For Christ feels like sit­ting around the fire shoot­ing the shit with an old (much more inter­est­ing) friend. Go buy the album now, I’ll get the marsh­mal­lows and beer.

The album is avail­able on vinyl, dig­i­tal and a lim­it­ed-edi­tion 80s Par­ty Pack which includes a CD, a CD play­er, and more.

Sol­dier for Christ was released in April 26, 2023. The album is avail­able on stream­ing plat­forms and vinyl can be ordered at pret​ty​good​friends​.com/​b​obcat

Bobcat Goldthwait