Support ComedyWham

It Must Cost Bil­lions to Main­tain the Best Web­site in Austin, Hous­ton, and DFW Com­e­dy, Can I Donate a few bucks to pitch in?

Every lit­tle bit helps. We do receive a lit­tle bit of mon­ey from allow­ing ads on our web­site, but there are oth­er ways to sup­port us.

You can adver­tise, buy merch, or you can make a dona­tion via one of our illus­tri­ous and secure accounts:


…Or if you’re über-Ven­mo, use the QR code:

Comedy Wham Venmo

How Can I Get My Hands on Some Sweet Com­e­dy Wham Merch?

We’re so hap­py to hear you want to get some Com­e­dy Wham merch! If you find Valerie out and about town, chances are good you can score a stick­er. We do sell mag­nets and key­chains and we’ve set up 2 merch pages that you can order some shirts from. If you have a spe­cial request for some merch, let us know by con­tact­ing us at comedywham@​comedywham.​com

Merch pages are (each has dif­fer­ent offerings):



Merch imagery

Everyone’s Got a Patre­on – Does Com­e­dy Wham have a Patreon?

Actu­al­ly, we launched our Patre­on in 2021 after think­ing about it for a few years. We came up with some pret­ty real­is­tic tier lev­els cen­tered around small month­ly sup­port­ing sub­scrip­tions to more gen­er­ous tiers that earn some pod­cast-relat­ed perks.

Fan Lev­el — $5/​month

Super Fan Lev­el — $10/​month. Nom­i­nate inter­view guests, sticker

VIP Fan Lev­el — $25/​month. Nom­i­nate inter­view guests, stick­er, VIP Fan shoutouts on pod­cast episodes, month­ly VIP Fan livestreams, t‑shirt

Find us at: Patre​on​.com/​c​o​m​e​d​ywham

Comedy Wham Patreon

How Do I Adver­tise on Com​e​dy​wham​.com?

Adver­tis­ing on www​.com​e​dy​wham​.com is a way to get our web­site vis­i­tors to come to your bar, restau­rant or com­e­dy show. You don’t have to be in the enter­tain­ment or ser­vice indus­try to ben­e­fit from adver­tis­ing on Com­e­dy Wham. Read­ers of Com­e­dy Wham want to to sup­port local com­e­dy and local busi­ness­es. Con­tact us at comedywham@​comedywham.​com to inquire about how to adver­tise on our site.