Mycal Dédé Makes His Case
July 22, 2024
Mycal Dédé

We’re deep in the 2024 Funniest Person in Austin season (check out our tracker), and this week’s guest will no doubt be familiar to anyone following the competition (or Austin comedy at large).
Mycal Dédé climbed to third-runner-up in 2023’s FPIA, but opportunities to experience his comedic observations on life have been anything but spare. Opening for Nate Bargatze; the Come and Take It show (during South by Southwest); Skank Fest, alongside favorites like Kandace Medina, Dylan Carlino, and others; maybe you’ve heard rumblings of his new comedy competition show, Mystery Vortex, debuting August 3rd at Fallout Theater.
Perhaps maybe you’re one of those dyed-in-the-wool regulatory litigation wonks, watching someone take up a case against your least-favorite administrative agency. If so, you may have seen him in the courtroom, where Dédé has been pulling for you as well.
The daytime job as an attorney may seem like “very boring…in the weeds kind of stuff”, but regardless of the room, Dédé is out to ensure he gets the last laugh. The Houston-native had graduated in 2013 and moved on to — let us call it his “opening argument” — teaching. He’d had a history of expressing comedy through blogging during college, even taking the win in a comedy competition that also featured one (Comedy Wham beloved) Martin Urbano.
Dédé found that his day job offered an unexpected wealth of new material to draw on. “Kids are very funny,” he remembers thinking of his first-grade class, but (as we so often hear) good humor doesn’t always pay the bills.
By 2019, Dédé decided he was done with teaching, and — in a turn he calls “arrogant” — up and decided he’d switch paths to become an attorney. Despite the old saying about proctologists have the best jokes, he quickly grew to appreciate the creative side of law.
“I don’t think a lot of people kind of realize that you do have to kind of take people’s problems,[and] create a way to solve them,” Dédé observes. Indeed, not entirely unlike comedy, and both a solid observational joke, and winning a particularly grueling case, offer a welcome relief at their conclusions. “Everyone is doing something different. There’s always something new you could learn,” he adds of the trade, and, in a testament to the dual-roles of his day and night jobs, that comment could just have easily been about the stand-up stage.
So does the rising star of the comedy career mean Dédé is ready to snap shut his metaphorical briefcase and leave the courtroom behind? Isn’t that the natural conclusion in (ahem) cases like this?
“I don’t feel like I can focus on writing jokes if I’m worried about making rent,” Dédé says. While the full-time attorney role paired with the increasing open-mics and shows does make it a bit more of a juggling act, he insists it’s for the best, even honing his ambition. “You know, who wants it more? The person who woke up at like eleven and just kind of rolled out of bed,” he posits, “or someone who’s…been up since six working and I still found a way to make it to a mic.”
Do those daylight hours provide the fuel Dédé needs for the night-time shows?
Obviously you can’t take confidential legal information from the courtroom to the stage, but his experience has shown the power of the act of observation, if not the subjects. “I can’t talk about most of the things that I think are funny because it would violate [confidentiality],” Dédé confirms, but the absurd rises above any one case, if you’re ready to look for it: “That happens quite a bit at work where I’m like…we’re losing millions of dollars…that’s kind of funny, though, right?”
I felt my wallet purse up a bit at that, but Dédé suggests quite the opposite: “Just laugh about it, right? What are you gonna do? Stress about it?” (As Valerie notes, if you do, “You’re just gonna end up mad”, proving once again she knows me far too well.)
Dédé’s 2023 FPIA showing had its own hint of madness to it, but one that further serves to show his dedication. Having thrown up, loaded himself with Sudafed, and supported by his girlfriend, Dede made it to the stage, and the rest is history. Thankfully it’s recorded history, as he doesn’t “remember much of it. It all just felt like a blur.”
With Mycal Dédé’s prelim round coming up July 30th, we can only wish him better health, and, if things must once again blur by, perhaps this time he’ll have a smooth awakening to find himself wearing that first place crown.
Follow Mycal
- Instagram — @mycaldede
- Youtube — youtube.com/@michaeldede
Mycal can be seen and heard:
- Mystery Vortex — 1st Saturdays, 7pm at Fallout Theater. Check Mycal’s instagram for more information! Debut show is August 3rd!
- Cap City Comedy Club Funniest Person in Austin contest — Prelim Round is July 30th, 8pm, Cap City Comedy Club