Martin Urbano has Global Rhythm (Volume 4)

May 1, 2024

Photo Credit

Jill Petracek

2024 Moontower Comedy Festival Series

The 2024 Moontower Comedy Festival is blessing us with 2 weeks of comedy, film, live podcast, and afterparties. Comedy Wham is featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival. Enjoy!

Mar­tin Urbano Has Glob­al Rhythm

It’s anoth­er des­ti­na­tion” week here at Com­e­dy­Wham, with Valerie on loca­tion at Moon­tow­er, and this week’s guest in from New York (which he has strong, strong feel­ings for).

If you’ve heard of Mar­tin Urbano, it may be from this very web­site (he’s a 4th-time guest), or appear­ances on Jim­my Kim­mel, or per­haps recur­ring char­ac­ter Julio Tam­bi­en on the Hulu show This Fool. Maybe you saw him on stage this year at the Edin­burg Fringe tour, Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, or dur­ing the record­ing of his debut spe­cial (based on Urbano’s Apol­o­gy Come­back tour). Speak­ing of Apol­o­gy Come­back, he’s just come back from per­form­ing at a tour stop in Mel­bourne at the Mel­bourne Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val. All fine choic­es, take your pick.

It's a very specific rhythm
Martin Urbano (on the "feel" of regional audiences)

Urbano seems to pop up every­where, and the glob­al expo­sure has had him think­ing on the dif­fer­ences in region­al audi­ences. Mind you, his mate­r­i­al — sharp, thought-and-or-cringe pro­vok­ing, and maybe just a lit­tle inside — already means the per­fect” audi­ence mix is a tough get, nev­er mind entire­ly dif­fer­ent coun­tries. It’s a very spe­cif­ic rhythm,” he not­ed of find­ing the groove in Mel­bourne, only to find the need to read­just to an Amer­i­can rhythm” when tap­ing his spe­cial.

Appear­ing on Jim­my Kim­mel was far from a smooth ride as well, with the show staff repeat­ed­ly (and con­fus­ing­ly) warn­ing Urbano that he would total­ly bomb, and not to wor­ry about it. For a com­ic who excels at mak­ing the audi­ence feel like he’s on the inside of every joke, the doom­say­ers didn’t seem to squash his ener­gy or spir­it; check out the video of Urbano’s appearance.

The resting heart rate there is high
Martin Urbano (on New York City)

When we talk to a guest from Austin, inevitably we ask when they’re mov­ing away; if they’re vis­it­ing, we want to know when they’ll move here. Urbano, as might be expect­ed, didn’t hes­i­tate announc­ing his deci­sion. I love New York so much. I real­ly love it so much,” he says, not­ing that he does have fam­i­ly in Texas so graces our fair state often. What’s the mag­i­cal draw that has its hooks in him?

The rest­ing heart rate there is high,” Urbano says, and I don’t think I’ve heard it put bet­ter. The con­stant traf­fic, con­struc­tion, and noise from the flow of lives of the 8 mil­lion res­i­dents nev­er stops; if you thrive on social ener­gy, then this is the bee­hive of activ­i­ty for you. Urbano con­firms, that when peo­ple com­plain It’s so loud, it’s so busy”, his first thought is: I like it though!”

So when off stage and not on a plane, what’s going on in Urbano’s world?

The spe­cial is mov­ing into edit­ing for even­tu­al release, and that means meet­ings” (for a New York­er that feels a bit LA). Urbano wants to work on some scripts and hone his writ­ing for TV shows (and pitch one or two). His core focus? From now on, it’s just about mon­ey, success…[throwing the] art out the win­dow,” he says (most­ly jok­ing­ly, we think).

Lis­ten to the episode to find out what else has been hap­pen­ing in Mar­tin Urbano’s life, includ­ing some uncom­fort­able audi­ence nights, and to find out whether he real­ly did or did not steal Valerie’s watch dur­ing the inter­view. Get in line to be first to get his spe­cial (prob­a­bly wait for the con­firmed date, though), or shoot the poor guy some dig­i­tal cash, as he repeat­ed­ly insists I’m all about the mon­ey now.”

With suc­cess like Mar­tin Urbano’s, we’re sure he’s doing just fine…but why take the chance?

Fol­low Martin

Mar­tin can be seen and heard:

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Martin Urbano