Kath Barbadoro: It's Good to be Bad

November 29, 2016

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How is gross­ly insult­ing some­one sim­i­lar to that clas­sic, vaunt­ed, form of pro­sa­ic deliv­ery itself, iambic pen­tame­ter? These are the kind of ques­tions that flow through Kath Barbadoro’s mind, and will now be inex­tri­ca­bly linked in mine. I think I have a new goal for a skill to devel­op in 2017.

Every inter­view of Valerie’s that I cov­er teach­es me some­thing new about com­e­dy and the sci­ence and art involved. I’m only slight­ly exag­ger­at­ing when I say that her time with Kath took that to an entire­ly new level. 

Born in New Hamp­shire, Kath Bar­badoro grabbed her major at Grin­nell Col­lege, in Iowa (shout out to Joe Bar­low, fel­low Iowan grad­u­ate and recur­ring influ­ence in her sto­ry), before mak­ing her way to Austin. In Part one of their inter­view, Bar­badoro takes Valerie on a jour­ney through her ear­ly inspi­ra­tions, how she chose her cur­rent home base, and how she land­ed an unex­pect­ed (and well deserved) role on ATX Uncensored(ish).

Kath Bar­badoro: The Past 

Kath Bar­badoro is in con­stant pur­suit of per­fec­tion in her art, and in Part two of her inter­view, we learn more about her ambi­tions beyond stand up, and the sto­ry behind some of her more well known appear­ances like Com­e­dy Cen­tral: Roast Bat­tle, where she faced off with anoth­er Austin favorite, Chris Cubas, and Mas­ter Pan­cake, where she’s appeared with oth­er Com­e­dy Wham alums like Ella Gale. We also get to hear ear­ly news about an unre­leased upcom­ing spe­cial, and her promise that, no mat­ter where life takes her, she’ll always return to Austin. We have it on tape, Kath, and we’re hold­ing you to it.

Kath Bar­badoro: Current 

If you do the Twit­ters, you owe it to your­self to fol­low Bar­badoro to keep up with her lat­est views on pol­i­tics, life, and a mil­lion oth­er top­ics. Find clips, press, upcom­ing dates, and more at her web­site, kath​bar​badoro​.com, and on Face­book. If you lis­ten to pod­casts, be sure and check out Wigsnatch­ers, fea­tur­ing Kath Bar­badoro, Chris Cubas, and Ral­phie Hardesty.