Enzo Priesnitz Hones His Obsessions

January 3, 2017


I have a favorite video I watch once a year, that I feel per­fect­ly cap­tures my love/​hate rela­tion­ship with my nev­er-end­ing stream of hob­bies and diverse pur­suits. On meet­ing Enzo Pries­nitz, and lis­ten­ing to Valerie walk through his life in com­e­dy and beyond, I knew I’d found a kin­dred spirit. 

Born and raised in Austin, Pries­nitz was inter­est­ed in com­e­dy from his ear­ly years, bing­ing on late night Com­e­dy Cen­tral feasts of well-known comics like Dave Attell and Zach Gal­i­fi­anakis. These ear­ly pas­sions paved the way for a series of changes and per­son­al growth tak­ing him into the next phase of his life where his own comedic aspi­ra­tions would begin play­ing a major role. 

In Part one of their con­ver­sa­tion, Valerie digs up how a chance late night hang out with some big names gave Pries­nitz an aus­pi­cious bridge into break­ing into the open mic scene, includ­ing his first time in Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin. 

Enzo Pries­nitz: The Past

Enzo Pries­nitz has con­tin­ued to hone his com­e­dy chops beyond stand-up, with mul­ti­ple projects com­plet­ed and in the works. He recent­ly wrapped a role in the crowd­fund­ed com­e­dy Call me Broth­er with anoth­er Com­e­dy Wham alum, Christi­na Par­rish. Call Me Broth­er is a unique­ly (dare we say lov­ing?) look at incest; it’s no easy feat to take the top­ic and make it hilar­i­ous. He also just had a hand in a local­ly shot major motion pic­ture that we must keep secret under pain of death (and because he wasn’t allowed to tell us). 

In Part two, Valerie man­ages to knock out not one but two Com­e­dy Wham firsts: meet­ing a pro­fes­sion­al­ly trained black­smith, and the only time (so far) sur­gi­cal­ly sharp instru­ments have lit­er­al­ly land­ed on the inter­view table. 

Enzo Pries­nitz: Current

To see more of Priesnitz’s met­al­work­ing Valerie was lucky enough to lay her hands on (along with many oth­er projects), fol­low him on Insta­gram at @bluegill_forge. Keep up with his upcom­ing stand-up dates and projects on Face­book. Last­ly, keep an ear out for Pries­nitz on the Gross Lone­ly Boys pod­cast, with Andrew Clark­son and Dan­ny Good­win, com­ing soon at Body Tape Inter­na­tion­al.

Enzo Priesnitz