Valerie Lopez

David Thomas
Christina Parrish probably has the most unique comedy background we’ve come across. At the very least, it’s the boldest. Her dad used to take her to improv shows when she’d come visit him in Austin. Eventually she chose to live with him, quit high school and jumped into the the improv pool head first. Soon after she discovered stand up.
I won’t make you read about Parrish’s fascinating past or her amazingly supportive parents when you can listen to it as she speaks to our very own Valerie Lopez:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vw1ht8nuWNU&w=420&h=315]As with most of our posts, there is a part two to Christina Parrish’s story. Click the link to find out about where her career is now, and how she got into making Galifiniakian style videos:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GAnE1bSFsiI&w=420&h=315]Speaking of Parrish’s vidoes, you can find them online at Funny or Die, or on her YouTube Channel. I highly recommend the video, Misunderstood.

Valerie Lopez

David Thomas