Lashonda Lester: The Kitten From Murder Mitten

April 19, 2016


Lashon­da Lester is a sweet­heart to talk to. She’s always approach­able and easy to chat with. But beneath that friend­ly exte­ri­or is an iron resolve forged in the fires of The Motor City.

12 Years ago Lester left her native Detroit, MI. for Austin. Sev­er­al years lat­er, she seri­ous­ly got into the com­e­dy game and has been going full throt­tle ever since. In part one of their inter­view, Lashon­da Lester tells Valerie Lopez about sneak­ing around and lis­ten­ing to dirty” com­ic albums, and her very first open mic in Detroit. Go ahead and click the link below.

Lashon­da Lester Pt. 1: The Past

In part two, Lester talks with Valerie about med­ical set­backs, and get­ting her momen­tum going again. She also talks about giv­ing back to the com­e­dy com­mu­ni­ty by host­ing com­e­dy sem­i­nars. In fact, I took my son, Tom­my to one last year. We had a great time and found the sem­i­nar insight­ful. Tom­my still car­ries a lit­tle note­book with him where he jots down joke ideas. He won’t let me see it though. Any­way you know what to do, right?

Lashon­da Lester Pt. 2: Current

Recent­ly Lashon­da Lester has start­ed ramp­ing up her per­for­mance itin­er­ary. In the imme­di­ate future she’ll be per­form­ing with Matt Sadler as they open for Ron Funch­es at Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, and per­form­ing in oth­er show­cas­es. She’s also com­pet­ing in the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin Con­test this year; and in May, she’s putting on her pop­u­lar show, Weird True Hol­ly­wood Tales at the Sal­vage Van­guard Theater.

Lashonda Lester