Avery Pearson - Not Your Stanchion Comic

June 12, 2022

Photo Credit

Briana Lewis Photography

2022 Moontower Just For Laughs Comedy Festival Series

The Moontower Comedy Festival has returned in 2022 under the umbrella of Just For Laughs and blessed us with 10 days of comedy, film, live podcast, and afterparties. Comedy Wham is featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival. Enjoy!

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They say behind every good man is a good woman. Well, behind every good stan­chion is an artist yearn­ing for more. In Avery Pearson’s case both could be said, but Avery Pear­son is here to tell you he’s not a stan­chion com­ic.” I am shar­ing this inside joke from our inter­view with you up top because I need you to under­stand how much fun we had with Pear­son. I laughed when we were there and I laughed just as hard lis­ten­ing back. Before we even hit record, Pear­son was impro­vis­ing a song for us to play for his friend, Jere­mi­ah Watkins, using only a key­board app on his phone. Genius.

Valerie and I first became aware of Pear­son through Moon­tow­er and The God­damn Com­e­dy Jam; as such a cru­cial part of the Jam he caught our atten­tion and we became über fans. We’ve seen him on Jeff Ross’ His­tor­i­cal Roasts and this years NFL Hon­ors and each time we see him on our screens we cheer. Pearson’s musi­cal tal­ent and comedic tim­ing blend per­fect­ly to make him an absolute force in the com­e­dy scene.

I'm not a stanchion comic.
Avery Pearson
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Like many actors/​comedians/​musicians Pear­son got his start because of a crush. The apple of his ele­men­tary school eye was going to the arts school so Pear­son fol­lowed quick­ly along. Pear­son remained in art schools there­after, pick­ing up act­ing, music, and even stand up via the cur­ricu­lum. And though he found com­e­dy to be a blast, Pear­son was focused on becom­ing a seri­ous dra­mat­ic actor. So what changed his tra­jec­to­ry? His ulti­mate crush, A.K.A. his wife MJ, told him that com­e­dy was his call­ing and that’s what he need­ed to pur­sue. Thank you, MJ!

Fol­low­ing his wife’s advice Pear­son got a job work­ing the door at the Hol­ly­wood Improv, pay­ing his dues for years with­out com­plaint. One night he was play­ing piano before a show and the man­ag­er asked him to stay up. You see, Pear­son would play and riff with crowds before shows. Catch­ing the atten­tion of the afore­men­tioned Jeff Ross, Pear­son was asked to remain on-stage, adding a sound­track to Ross’ roast. Soon oth­er per­form­ers were ask­ing Pear­son to riff with them dur­ing sets. 

It’s not sur­pris­ing that this is how Pear­son got his start because, while you’ll hear first­hand in our inter­view how Pear­son is unequiv­o­cal­ly fun­ny, he also has an excep­tion­al gift for bring­ing out the bril­liance in oth­ers. Pear­son says, I’m real­ly good at mak­ing very tal­ent­ed peo­ple even bet­ter with piano and work­ing with them. I’m very good at sup­port­ing.” The skill has been noticed by so many in the indus­try that it earned Pear­son a Sat­ur­day Night Live musi­cal cred­it just last year for a song he cre­at­ed for Aris­to­tle Athari’s char­ac­ter Angelo. 

I'm really good at making very talented people even better with piano and working with them. I'm very good at supporting.
Avery Pearson
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While Pear­son has a gift for sup­port­ing, he’s still com­plete­ly com­fort­able being the cen­ter of atten­tion. He start­ed his own vari­ety show The 88 Show (a nod to the 88 keys on a piano — triv­ia buffs, take note), and it is his baby. Pear­son curates the show to fea­ture hilar­i­ous guests, includ­ing, most recent­ly Rachel Bloom. Pear­son loves to con­nect with the audi­ence and have a good time. He states I just kind of look at it like … you’re in my liv­ing room and I just want to have fun. And I feel very com­fort­able up there on stage.”

On-stage, front and cen­ter, is exact­ly where Avery Pear­son belongs. Don’t believe me? Just ask Sir Paul McCart­ney. Now that’s a sto­ry you’ll have to lis­ten to our inter­view to hear.

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Thank you once again to Avery Pear­son for the orig­i­nal song Wham of Fame” which is fea­tured on the 2022 Moon­tow­er episode Jere­mi­ah Watkins: Still the Best.

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Fol­low Avery

Avery and his music can be seen and heard:

  • The 88 Show with Avery Pear­son — Cre­ator and host; live at the Hol­ly­wood Improv (check Insta­gram for dates)
  • The God­damn Com­e­dy Jam — Keys in the Band
  • His­tor­i­cal Roasts (Net­flix)
  • The Iliza Schlesinger Sketch Show (Net­flix) — Music supervisor
  • Sat­ur­day Night Live — Ange­lo sketch music by Avery Pear­son — Youtube/​SNLAngelo
  • NFL Hon­ors 2022 (ABC) — Open­ing Num­ber written/​composed by Music Direc­tor for the Band, Avery Pearson
  • Christ­mas Mag­ic for Com­e­dy Gives Back — Writ­ten and per­formed by Avery Pear­son — Youtube/​ChristmasMagic
  • I’m not Equipped to be a Father” — Youtube/​ImNotEquippedtobeaFather
  • TV Appear­ances: Suits, Mas­ters of Sex, LA Complex
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Avery Pearson