Jeremiah Watkins: Still the Best
May 9, 2022
Nick Larson
The Moontower Comedy Festival has returned in 2022 under the umbrella of Just For Laughs and blessed us with 10 days of comedy, film, live podcast, and afterparties. Comedy Wham is featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival. Enjoy!
This article marks our fifth conversation with Jeremiah Watkins, and we’re going kick off with a celebration of Watkins’ inauguration into the Wham of Fame — an honor bestowed upon him by his good friend and fellow LA comic, Avery Pearson. (Stay tuned for our interview with Pearson later in this 2022 Moontower Series!)
Given Watkins’ status as our most frequent guest, the Wham of Fame is pleased to celebrate his successes. And since September 2021 (our last Moontower conversation), Watkins has had several successes worth celebrating. His solo podcast, Jeremiah Wonders (launched in 2018) has flourished, not to mention his podcast with Steve Lee called Scissor Brothers (launched in 2021). With Jeremiah Wonders being one of my personal favorites, I’ve loved seeing the show land bigger and bigger guests — a sure indication, of his own rising stardom in the comedy world. Yet another sign of his velocity in the graduation of his long-running Standup on the Spot showcase (where comics solicit audience suggestions and improvise their sets) from a standard live show to a full-fledged series recorded at the world-famous Comedy Store. The Comedy Store doesn’t allow any old Joe Schmoe record in its venue, so the fact that Watkins’ trademark show was given the blessing certainly cements him in Comedy Store history. Right along with his celebration of the 50th Anniversary of the Comedy Store, where he was moved that the famous wall of photographs toward the Original Room included 3 pictures of him. We’d be remiss if we didn’t mention that his son just celebrated his first birthday — a fact that Watkins is incredibly proud to celebrate.
Much of our conversation during the 2022 Moontower Comedy Festival centered around two themes — what’s changed in the five years since our first interview together and what the next five years may hold. From the former topic, we took stock of Watkins’ evolution from ensemble performer to solo performer. Of course, the latest shift away from ensemble player, hit me a bit hard. Every time I’ve attended Josh Adam Meyer’s Goddamn Comedy Jam at Moontower Comedy Festival, Watkins has served as Mosh Pit, the hype man for the Jam. This is the first year that he’s stepped down from his role as Mosh Pit and while it’s a sad moment for me personally, it was a necessary move for Watkins. Over the last five years, he’s deliberately made the shift from the ensemble player to betting on himself. Watkins affirms this by saying “it’s definitely a mentality more and more all the time of betting on myself even farther and farther, and really putting all the chips on myself”. This shift is evidenced by the consistent touring he’s been doing as a headliner, the development of his acting and voice-over career, and the launch of his new web series Standup on the Spot. As he puts it, focusing on standup is allowing him to focus on who he considers himself to be at the root of his identity. Said another way “For many years I was in someone else’s car, and now I’m driving the car that I own.”
Watkins has been doing Standup on the Spot for 12 years and the recent momentum he’s enjoyed has not only allowed him to bring the improvised standup show on the road — as a supplement to his headliner shows, as well as a festival show (including several years of appearances at Moontower) — but has allowed him to broker a deal with The Comedy Store to film the show at the Store for release on his personal network as a web series. The series officially launched on April 25, 2022 and you can catch new episodes by following Watkins, as he is a dedicated promoter of his many projects.
Another newer Watkins project is the aforementioned Scissor Brothers podcast with Steve Lee. The podcast just turned a year old and has garnered him a lot of attention; fortunately, it has been very positive. Watkins laughs, “I think we have one of the most positive YouTube comments section of any. Because we really try to put that out there. … we’re just not about having any negative people in our lives.” And if you spend any amount of time around Watkins, you’ll see that.
With his recent success, I took the opportunity to ask what he thought we’d be talking about in five years. He hopes to continue surrounding himself with positive, synergistic people, and he envisions his DIY work and promotion efforts will have paid off even more in the future. It was particularly interesting to note that in our very first conversation five years ago Watkins mentioned a goal of being on a sketch show — either Saturday Night Live or one of his own creation. That aspiration remains, and he (and we) would love to see that come to fruition five years from now. As long as Watkins continues to move forward with the same velocity as the last five years, we have no doubt that we’ll be talking about a whole new slew of accomplishments and successes during our ten year recap conversation Of course, the true beauty of Jeremiah Watkins is that even with all the hard work he puts into his standup career, he is a loyal family man, and an incredibly nice guy to boot. (We double dog dare you to find anyone that has an ill word to say about Watkins). Really though, we couldn’t summarize the state of Watkins any better than his good friend Avery Pearson did: “You’re the best.” We’ve been saying that since 2017, where the title of our first interview with Watkins was simply “You’re the Best”.
Thank you to Avery Pearson for the original song “Wham of Fame”
Follow Jeremiah
- Website — www.JeremiahWatkins.com
- Twitter — @jeremiahstandup
- Instagram — @jeremiahstandup
- Facebook — Facebook.com/Jeremiah.Watkins
- Youtube
- Scissor Bros — Youtube.com/ScissorBros
- Jeremiah Wonders — Youtube.com/JeremiahWonders
- How to Get Fired Series — Youtube.com/JeremiahWatkins
Jeremiah can be seen and heard:
- Debut Special: Jeremiah Watkins: Family Reunion (Amazon, Google Play, Apple TV)
- Podcasts (available on Youtube and your favorite podcast player)
- The Scissor Bros
- Jeremiah Wonders
- The Building Years
- Album — Regan and Watkins (2019)
- Hosted Shows — Standup on the Spot at The Comedy Store
- Video Series
- Standup on the Spot (debut April 25, 2022)
- “How to Get Fired” video series featuring Josh Wolf

Valerie Lopez

Valerie Lopez