Slide in the DMs 6th Anniversary Show at Fallout Theater

September 14, 2024

Angeli­na Mar­tins Slide in the DMs cel­e­brat­ed its 6th Anniver­sary last Sat­ur­day Sep­tem­ber 7, at Fall­out The­ater. Held on First Sat­ur­days of every month at Fall­out The­ater, the show cel­e­brates (and just as fre­quent­ly shames) those rap­scal­lions who dare slide into a per­son­’s DMs. After each per­son­’s set, Mar­tin returns to the stage and mines the comic’s DMs dur­ing an inter­view and then a team of sea­soned per­form­ers turns those DMs into an impro­vised scene. The 6th anniver­sary edi­tion fea­tured Melis­sa Diaz and Matt Ross..

Diaz’s DMs revealed some very aggres­sive slid­ing into by one per­son, and after reveal­ing dur­ing her set that she had recent­ly become an expec­tant moth­er, the impro­vis­ers made sev­er­al ref­er­ences to the movie Aliens. Not sure why moth­er­hood gets such a bad rap, or is so ter­ri­fy­ing to some… on sec­ond thought, I get it.

Ross’s set puts a spot­light on the per­cep­tion that he is gay, the DMs he shared with the audi­ence lead you to believe that every­one else expects him to be gay, with a recur­ring theme of 3am you up” mes­sages in var­i­ous stages of direct­ness. The impro­vis­ers seemed less ter­ri­fied of these series of DMs than they were of impend­ing moth­er­hood and seemed to rel­ish in Ross’s DMs as inspiration.

With 6 years down, and plen­ty of DM fod­der to work with, we hope that Slide in the DMs cel­e­brates at least anoth­er 6 years.

Angelina Martin, Melissa Diaz

Need to Know

Slide in the DMs

Next Date: October 5, 2024, 10pm

Location: Fallout Theater

Tickets: $18 online | $23 at the door


Instagram: @slideinthedmscomedy

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