Review: Doug Mellard - Fart Safari 2: Fart Harder

September 14, 2018

I wish I could live in the imag­i­na­tion of Doug Mel­lard for a day. Known for his fast-paced humor, the 2006 Fun­ni­est Per­son Austin win­ner real­ly deliv­ers with his lat­est release, Fart Safari 2: Fart Hard­er from Standup! Records. But if you think that all you’re in for are dick and fart jokes, you’d be mistaken.

Don’t worry…they’re in there, but Mel­lard is far from being a one-fart pony. Mellard’s com­bi­na­tion of obser­va­tion­al humor and absurd fan­tas­ti­cal what if” sce­nar­ios had me laugh­ing so hard, I was alarm­ing near­by jog­gers as I lis­tened on a walk. Mel­lard makes obser­va­tions that are so vivid they will stay with you…the kind that make you crack up in the mid­dle of a room of con­fused peo­ple, as you encounter them in your own life. Life’s lit­tle call­backs, if you will.

His per­fect and hilar­i­ous irrev­er­ence for life events from wed­dings to funer­als give com­fort to those of us that approach these events with an equal sense of dread. The what ifs” he cre­ates left me feel­ing like I was in on his prac­ti­cal jokes on the world. I guess if you can’t live inside the imag­i­na­tion of Doug Mel­lard, the next best thing would be to lis­ten to Fart Safari 2: Fart Hard­er, now avail­able on iTunes and Stand Up! Records, as soon as possible.

More Doug Mellard

Pre­vi­ous Cov­er­age: Doug Mel­lard is on a Fart Safari

Twit­ter: @dougmellard

Pub­lish­er: Stand Up Records!