Daddy Strong Legs at Fallout Theater

September 19, 2024

Gar­rett Buss is a peren­ni­al favorite at Com­e­dy Wham. From his break­out per­for­mance at a long ago FPIA, to his con­tri­bu­tions to our Iso­la­tion Com­e­dy online shows dur­ing COVID, to his sup­port of allow­ing my son and I to per­form on the inau­gur­al Explo­rapho­ria to his sup­port through Fall­out The­ater’s Pod­cast Stu­dio, he tru­ly is one of the kind­est and fun­ni­est humans we’ve watched over the years.

So, it sad­dened me when I had to miss the one hour debut of Dad­dy Strong Legs in late August. If I told you it was to see Nev­erend­ing Sto­ry on the big screen with my son on the eve of dri­ving my son to his col­lege in Indi­ana, I think you’d under­stand the choice I had to make. Thank­ful­ly, Mr. Strong Legs made anoth­er appear­ance as part of Fall­out The­ater’s Hacks­fest, a cel­e­bra­tion of script­ed com­e­dy on Fri­day Sep­tem­ber 13, and I was not going to miss it!!

Gar­ret­t’s per­for­mance fea­tured so many char­ac­ters, it’s hard to keep track. Gar­rett Cuss is a promi­nent char­ac­ter in that he unleashed pro­fan­i­ty at the under­serv­ing crowd, but lat­er met his demise after being bom­bard­ed by the audi­ence with holy water (sprayed from plas­tic water guns, nat­u­ral­ly). We met Tee­ny Tom who prob­a­bly needs to up his cal­ci­um intake and def­i­nite­ly needs to take care of that bloody cough. And final­ly, we met Boney Skele Tony who seems rather obsessed with his hookup game. 

Gar­rett is an excel­lent actor and deliv­ered hilar­i­ty while demon­strat­ing flex­i­bil­i­ty and the abil­i­ty to fall to the ground with grace (which is a com­mon thing with a Buss per­for­mance). We can’t wait to watch more of these char­ac­ter’s antics and maybe even meet new char­ac­ters in future per­for­mances of Dad­dy Strong Legs. In the mean­time, stay healthy, don’t cuss too much, and beware of Mr. Tony.

Teeny Tom

Need to Know

Daddy Strong Legs (Garrett Buss)

Next Dates

  • Saturday, October 5, 7pm
  • Wednesday, October 23, 9:30pm
  • Saturday, November 30, 7pm

Location: Fallout Theater



Instagram: @garrettbussismyname

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