Clowns for a Cause Show Supporting Generation SERVE
October 5, 2024
There’s nothing better than comedy right? Unless you pair up comedy with a good cause. Last year, Ajit Krishnamoorthy created Clowns for a Cause to bring together some of the best Austin comics to fundraise for Austin Pets Alive! The inaugural event raised over $8,000 for the beloved Austin non-profit organization.
On October 1, Krishnamoorthy brought Clowns for a Cause back for an event hosted at the Austin Film Society. This time, the mission was to raise funds for Generation SERVE, which engages youth in volunteerism and empowers them to make a difference in their communities. The packed AFS cinema enjoyed comedy from Krishnamoorthy, Eric Snader, Chris Tellez, Dodd, Holly Hart, Josh Cabaza, and the evening’s headliner Jen Fulwiler followed by a silent auction.
The only challenge for the comics was Krishnamoorthy’s requirement that sets be clean. We only heard one bleepable word the entire evening, and some comics enjoyed skating very, very close to the line between clean, and well, not-so-clean. But the audience didn’t seem to mind (even though Generation SERVE is aimed at benefiting kids, no kids were in the audience) and audible laughs and cheers were heard throughout the evening. We’re big fans of challenging yourself to try doing clean comedy. It’s a great mental exercise and, who knows, you might get booked on a future Clowns for a Cause benefiting a great Austin charity.
Speaking of, at the pace of just once a year (based on empirical data), Clowns for a Cause is a precious and rare occurrence. We’d love to see this take off with more frequent events. Krishnamoorthy has created something special that helps comics practice clean comedy in front of new audiences (preparing them for the ever-lucrative corporate and college comedy circuit) and helps non-profits raise funds while having a great evening of laughter. What a cause for celebration.
Need to Know
Clowns for a Cause (Ajit Krishnamoorthy)
Next Dates
- Stay Tuned!!
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