Clowns for a Cause Show Supporting Generation SERVE

October 5, 2024

There’s noth­ing bet­ter than com­e­dy right? Unless you pair up com­e­dy with a good cause. Last year, Ajit Krish­namoor­thy cre­at­ed Clowns for a Cause to bring togeth­er some of the best Austin comics to fundraise for Austin Pets Alive! The inau­gur­al event raised over $8,000 for the beloved Austin non-prof­it organization. 

On Octo­ber 1, Krish­namoor­thy brought Clowns for a Cause back for an event host­ed at the Austin Film Soci­ety. This time, the mis­sion was to raise funds for Gen­er­a­tion SERVE, which engages youth in vol­un­teerism and empow­ers them to make a dif­fer­ence in their com­mu­ni­ties. The packed AFS cin­e­ma enjoyed com­e­dy from Krish­namoor­thy, Eric Snad­er, Chris Tellez, Dodd, Hol­ly Hart, Josh Cabaza, and the evening’s head­lin­er Jen Ful­wiler fol­lowed by a silent auction. 

The only chal­lenge for the comics was Krish­namoor­thy’s require­ment that sets be clean. We only heard one bleep­able word the entire evening, and some comics enjoyed skat­ing very, very close to the line between clean, and well, not-so-clean. But the audi­ence did­n’t seem to mind (even though Gen­er­a­tion SERVE is aimed at ben­e­fit­ing kids, no kids were in the audi­ence) and audi­ble laughs and cheers were heard through­out the evening. We’re big fans of chal­leng­ing your­self to try doing clean com­e­dy. It’s a great men­tal exer­cise and, who knows, you might get booked on a future Clowns for a Cause ben­e­fit­ing a great Austin charity.

Speak­ing of, at the pace of just once a year (based on empir­i­cal data), Clowns for a Cause is a pre­cious and rare occur­rence. We’d love to see this take off with more fre­quent events. Krish­namoor­thy has cre­at­ed some­thing spe­cial that helps comics prac­tice clean com­e­dy in front of new audi­ences (prepar­ing them for the ever-lucra­tive cor­po­rate and col­lege com­e­dy cir­cuit) and helps non-prof­its raise funds while hav­ing a great evening of laugh­ter. What a cause for celebration.

Need to Know

Clowns for a Cause (Ajit Krishnamoorthy)

Next Dates

  • Stay Tuned!!

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