Bucket List at Fallout Theater

December 5, 2024

Debut Review

Welcome to the debut RevEIw by new contributing writer Sam Peirce (we know your brains want to see that as i before e, but don't let the grammar illuminati convince you otherwise!). We're delighted to introduce our readers to Sam. He's a tech and frequent performer at Fallout Theater. You can often catch him on Doghouse and Exploraphoria. Please give Sam a follow on Instagram @samqpeirce

When long­stand­ing Fall­out The­ater reg­u­lars Pro­nounced Zed were grant­ed their own show, they seized the oppor­tu­ni­ty to cre­ate some­thing unique. Stan­dard improv typ­i­cal­ly relies on one audi­ence sug­ges­tion for inspi­ra­tion, usu­al­ly one word, tak­en from a sam­pling of dif­fer­ent shout­ed ideas. Buck­et List is an improv show with a twist.

We must use all the sug­ges­tions,” Zed mem­ber Luke Gaskey says. Every sec­ond Tues­day, he and fel­low Austin come­di­ans Clay­ton Chal­man, Max Fos­ter, and Zed-asso­ciate Gar­rett Buss per­form an hour of rapid-fire improv inspired by audi­ence-penned sug­ges­tions on note cards, and they have to get through every sin­gle one. The Buck­e­teers (as they’re called onstage) take turns play­ing each scene in pairs, and a rotat­ing mem­ber rings a bell off­stage when it feels right to end. Every writ­ten sce­nario, name, place, inside joke or meme is han­dled with light­ning wit. At the pace they’re going it’s com­mon for the per­form­ers to end a scene as quick­ly as it begins with a quick joke punc­tu­at­ed by a ding­ing bell. The group’s chem­istry is on full dis­play. We all have known each oth­er for so long that we can pre­dict how the oth­ers might or might not inter­pret cer­tain sug­ges­tions,” Fos­ter says. Because of this, when we have only a hand­ful of sec­onds to ded­i­cate to each sug­ges­tion, we’re able to real­ly shoot them off with­out much fric­tion, because we have sim­ply seen each oth­er on stage beside us count­less times for sev­er­al years now.”

The show is near­ing its two year anniver­sary in Feb­ru­ary, though the troupe has been work­shop­ping the con­cept for much longer. We’ve been per­form­ing as this spe­cif­ic group for only a cou­ple years, but per­formed along­side each oth­er for many more years,” Fos­ter says. Buck­et List was born out of an improv form we cre­at­ed orig­i­nal­ly called Buz­z­saw’ where we rapid­ly com­plet­ed a crazy large amount of sug­ges­tions in 15 min­utes”. Pro­nounced Zed hit their stride as a ver­i­ta­ble house act for Fallout’s vari­ety com­e­dy hour Explo­rapho­ria. The note-card-marathon got its start there, and was honed into a full length show. Explo­rapho­ria is what allowed us to exper­i­ment with dif­fer­ent weird for­mats and even­tu­al­ly devel­op ideas that would inspire Buck­et List,” Gaskey says.

Luke Gaskey, Clayton Chalman, Garrett Buss, and Max Foster

The Buck­e­teers pro­vide an expe­ri­ence that guar­an­tees audi­ence par­tic­i­pa­tion. It cer­tain­ly isn’t lost on the troupe that giv­ing the audi­ence free rein to write what­ev­er they want has unlim­it­ed poten­tial, and risks. Excite­ment is cer­tain­ly a word one could use to describe it,” Fos­ter says. Inevitably, when­ev­er you ask an audi­ence mem­ber to join in on the fun, there’s always going to be one in every one hun­dred sug­ges­tions that cross­es the line.” There are pro­to­cols in place to ensure that these moments are han­dled appro­pri­ate­ly and with­out sac­ri­fic­ing the fun; Zed does this well. Mean­while the unin­tel­li­gi­ble is com­e­dy fod­der. If a sug­ges­tion is ever incom­pre­hen­si­ble we will typ­i­cal­ly lean into that and make fun of the con­fu­sion in the scene,” Gaskey says. I think it reminds the audi­ence we’re a scruffy, rag­tag group that’s hope­ful­ly relat­able.” Buck­et List is even an oppor­tu­ni­ty for the spec­ta­tor to lend their own comedic voice. The fun­ni­est sug­ges­tion I ever received was Tam­my is a slut’, after we real­ized Tam­my was some­one’s friend in the audi­ence,” Gaskey says. In our very first show we got the sug­ges­tion Cave­man Music’. I enjoy sug­ges­tions that are odd­ly spe­cif­ic. Those force us to get espe­cial­ly creative.”

No mat­ter whether a Buck­et List attendee writes a joke about a friend, or Cave­man Music’, or some­thing inscrutable, the Buck­e­teers put on an exhil­a­rat­ing and hilar­i­ous show that’s worth see­ing. All that Luke Gaskey asks is this: Stop writ­ing sug­ges­tions ask­ing for per­son­al advice. It will nev­er be good advice.”

Need to Know

Bucket List

Austin's premiere paper-based improv show. Watch in amazement as The Bucketeers put the “awe” in audience participation. Audience members get to toss their ideas, suggestions, and contributions into the bucket and watch their ideas come to life!

Next Dates

  • 2nd Tuesdays of every month, 9:30pm at Fallout Theater

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Pronounced Zed