Yusef Roach: The Adventure Begins

April 17, 2016


As soon as he could, Yusef Roach left his home in the Vri­gin Islands, and its con­ser­v­a­tive cul­ture, in the prover­bial rear view mir­ror. Odd­ly enough, he end­ed up in St. Louis and much like fel­low come­di­an Aaron Brooks, he left St. Louis for Austin. St. Louis was­n’t all bad though. Yusef Roach did his first open mic in the Gate­way to the West.

In his inter­view with Lara Smith, Roach talks bout his ear­ly stand up influ­ences, his part­ner­ship with Mar­tin Urbano and his quest to find his comedic voice. The take away for any­one lis­ten­ing to the inter­view is to keep work­ing. Noth­ing is earned by rub­bing some lamp you found in the desert. Anyway,

Lis­ten to the inter­view here

Yusef Roach is always going to open mics and show­cas­es in an ongo­ing quest to per­fect his com­e­dy game. The best way to find out where he’ll be is on Twitter.