Woody Fu: Controlling the Game

August 27, 2017


This week’s guest is per­form­ing in the upcom­ing Austin Out of Bounds Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val, New York based come­di­an Woody Fu has mul­ti­ple appear­ances planned: 

  • Appear­ing in an All Star edi­tion of Mae­stro, the longest run­ning improv show in Austin
  • Fu is a comedic threat on many fronts, with stand-up, improv, illus­trat­ed comics, and a flair for hilar­i­ous video con­tent. (Check out his YouTube chan­nel.) While he always had an inter­est in com­e­dy as a pro­fes­sion, he took a cir­cuitous route through mul­ti­ple careers before his excur­sions into improv turned into a career in per­for­mance as his pri­ma­ry pursuit. 

    And we’re not exag­ger­at­ing when we say Fu has many fronts, includ­ing a Com­e­dy Wham first: cre­at­ing a Choose Your Own Adven­ture style online game. Called Escape from the Fuck­zone, it flips the friend­zone” con­cept on its head, empow­er­ing the female pro­tag­o­nist to fend off advances from hope­ful males. (It’s actu­al­ly a sequel to his first game, Escape from the Friend­zone.) Both games show­case Fu’s illus­tra­tions, more of which can be found – along with many of his videos – at Per­ox­ide Comics.

    2017 has been a big year for Fu, with his long run­ning shows, Out of Bounds, and a Com­e­dy Hon­or­able Men­tion at the Asians on Film short fes­ti­val for Chi­nese San­ta Claus. Like his stand-up and one-man shows, he explores his bi-racial cul­ture, fam­i­ly, and back­ground with per­son­al, intel­lec­tu­al, and intro­spec­tive glee. With shows like Asian Grace­ful­ly (cur­rent­ly the third incar­na­tion of his long run­ning one-man show about eth­nic iden­ti­ty) and Chi­nese Char­ac­ters, Fu shows his con­tin­u­al ded­i­ca­tion to refin­ing and grow­ing into his writ­ing and per­for­mance skills, a jour­ney he read­i­ly admits is perpetual.

    Catch Woody Fu at Out of Bounds Com­e­dy 2017 this Labor Day week/​weekend, and stay up to date with his many pur­suits in New York and else­where at woody​fu​.com.

    Woody Fu