Where in the World is Ben Bosunga?

November 6, 2022

Photo Credit

Briena Woodward


When learn­ing about come­di­an Ben Bosunga’s past, it’s help­ful to fol­low along using a map. Bosun­ga has been con­ti­nent hop­ping since child­hood, col­lect­ing life expe­ri­ences and sto­ries that could put some of your best anec­dotes to shame. Before mov­ing to Austin, the Con­go-born com­ic grew up in Col­orado; lived and worked on cruise ships in Cen­tral Amer­i­ca; and lat­er kicked off his stand up com­e­dy career in Boston. He’s led an event­ful life, but accord­ing to the come­di­an, he’s actu­al­ly on his third life.”

Bosun­ga has lived through two near-death expe­ri­ences – the first being a bat­tle with kwash­iorkor mal­nu­tri­tion as an infant in Africa. Then again lat­er, when he was hit by a drunk dri­ver as a teen. He con­sid­ers both expe­ri­ences pos­i­tive reminders: I’ve real­ized life is very fleet­ing,” he tells Valerie Lopez. If I’m going to be here, I’m going to spend my time how I want to… to the best of my abil­i­ty.” And what Ben Bosun­ga does best is per­form­ing com­e­dy and going on adven­tures – bonus points if he’s doing both at the same time. Hav­ing done com­e­dy around the world, most recent­ly at this year’s Edin­burgh Fringe Fes­ti­val in Scot­land, he’s fill­ing up joke books and pass­port pages by the day.

I’ve realized life is very fleeting ... If I'm going to be here, I'm going to spend my time how I want to… to the best of my ability.
Ben Bosunga

No mat­ter which coun­try or life he hap­pens to be in, one thing with Bosun­ga is con­sis­tent: he has an adven­tur­ous, wild child nature and sim­ply rejects what doesn’t suit him — a trait so many of us only wish to have. I’m ter­ri­ble at let­ting peo­ple tell me what to do,” he shares. Which in turn, means he’s great at being wild­ly inde­pen­dent, trad­ing in a cor­po­rate job for jet­ting off at a momen­t’s notice to, say, Alas­ka or Spain. He likes to use trav­el as a life reset but­ton, but also pulls that lived expe­ri­ence into his com­e­dy. When you put your­self in uncom­fort­able or new sit­u­a­tions, [you’re] able to look deep­er with­in your­self and kind of under­stand your­self a lit­tle bit bet­ter. And I think that helps you comed­ical­ly as well.” 

His inter­na­tion­al roots and Amer­i­can heart­land upbring­ing inform unique com­e­dy that sets him apart from oth­er per­form­ers on the line up. Think less d*ck jokes and more hilar­i­ous African geog­ra­phy jokes (although his d*ck jokes are fun too.)

When you put yourself in uncomfortable or new situations, [you’re] able to look deeper within yourself and kind of understand yourself a little bit better. And I think that helps you comedically as well.
Ben Bosunga

Bosunga’s mis­sion to do only what he tru­ly wants to do, means he rarely finds him­self feel­ing bit­ter about the com­e­dy rat race. Some peo­ple get mad when they go to a show and the mic’s not right, or the audi­ence is inside, or they don’t get enough time, or they’re not get­ting enough mon­ey, or they’re not get­ting what­ev­er. And I don’t wor­ry about any of that, if I choose to do com­e­dy, like I choose to put my time and show out there, I’m gonna have a great time. Because if I don’t want to be there, then I just won’t go.” If Ben Bosun­ga is per­form­ing near you, wher­ev­er you are in the world, we think you’ll want to be there and we think you should just go. 

Listen to the podcast episode to hear these words and more from Ben

Fol­low Ben 

Ben can be seen and heard:

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Ben Bosunga