Vanilla Presley Has All the Flavor

September 5, 2016


Whoa, talk about par­al­lelisms. I did­n’t know Lane Krarup and Pat Sirois were des­tined to be togeth­er like this. It’s the weird­est thing when we think about lives and des­tinies and cos­mic paths, but after hear­ing this inter­view, no two peo­ple were meant to be togeth­er more than these two star crossed comedians.

Here’s lit­tle Lane Krarup grow­ing up in Wis­con­sin, try­ing be cool towards his old­er broth­er and his broth­er’s friend and lis­ten­ing to some illic­it com­e­dy. Now let me clar­i­fy, by illic­it, I mean stuff his mom does­n’t like so what­ev­er. Any­way, things go on, and life pro­gress­es and some­where… some­where across the coun­try there’s Pat Sirois.

Vanil­la Pres­ley: The Past

Pat Sirois was born in the army. Being born to a mil­i­tary fam­i­ly means fre­quent changes of schools, neigh­bor­hoods, cities and friends. He found solace in books. Some of you may not remem­ber life before Ama­zon. For those that don’t, we had mall book stores. Sirois found the com­e­dy sec­tion in the book­stores. There he finds George Car­lin’s book, Brain Drop­pings.

Krarup also dis­cov­ered Brain Drop­pings, and they both devel­oped a love of hip hop, com­e­dy and Austin. They met at the New Move­ment The­ater where Sirois heard Krarup rap. They formed the com­e­dy rap group Vanil­la Pres­ley. The rest is in the interview.

Vanil­la Pres­ley: Current

Sirois and Krarup are still doing stand up on their own. Sirois for one, was recent­ly on Matt Bear­den’s Piran­ha, and both have been hit­ting up the open mic scene. Also since it’s been thrust into the uni­verse, Vanil­la Pres­ley is putting out an album in 2017. If you want to taste their wares check their YouTube and Sound­Cloud pages.

Pat Sirois