Stephanie Chiarello: Ballet to Ballots

September 16, 2024

Photo Credit

Steve Rogers Photography

On Challenging Rules

A self-proclaimed former (and possibly current) rabble rouser, Chiarello of always asking "why?!". For that matter, demanding why, possibly dressed as a train engineer; listen for the full story about how she started early with the big talk about the leadership, and possibly not quite all the details.

I was a rab­ble rouser, but I could­n’t have told you who was in the cab­i­net. I still can’t tell you who was in the cabinet.
Stephanie Chiarello
Dreams Big and Little

Chiarello plucks out the perfect song lyric, that encapsulates the bittersweet reality of the path not trodden. For her it had been the apparent end of a ballet career, but that hasn't stopped her from dancing.

We come upon the time in our lives when the lit­tle dreams live and the big dreams die (quot­ed from singer Eliza Gilkyson)
Stephanie Chiarello
How to be a non-partisan show in a state dominated by a single party

Chiarello explains her approach to a balance of punching up to power, while maintaining a commitment to nonpartisanship, in the meantime getting possibly an illegal level of excited about congressional process.

I will lam­poon any­one, but we’re also a show that punch­es up to power
Stephanie Chiarello
On the best kind of misfits

Chiarello lets us know that sometimes it takes a special kind of machine to make a special kind of show, and how the (can I say Swiftie?) drags them kicking and singing to the stage.

Total mis­fits, 100% mis­fits, but very tal­ent­ed and sin­cere and com­mit­ted and dedicated
Stephanie Chiarello

Fol­low Stephanie

Fol­low Over the Lege 

Stephanie can be seen and heard:

  • Over the Lege, Part VII, Octo­ber 11 – 13, 2024, Scot­tish Rite Theater
    • Com­e­dy Wham lis­ten­ers use WH@M20 for a dis­count on tick­ets!
  • Com­e­dy Spec­tac­u­lar at the Deli — 1st Fri­days of every month, New World Deli
  • Esther’s Fol­lies — writer

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Stephanie Chiarello