Sophie Buddle Serves Up (Volume 4)

May 12, 2024

Photo Credit

Sophie Buddle


Valerie Lopez


Richard Goodwin

2024 Moontower Comedy Festival Series

The 2024 Moontower Comedy Festival is blessing us with 2 weeks of comedy, film, live podcast, and afterparties. Comedy Wham is featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival. Enjoy!

I have been lov­ing Jon Stew­art back on The Dai­ly Show…it’s the sec­ond com­ing!”

Right off the bat, 4‑time guest Sophie Bud­dle has won me over, both with her praise of TDS (as we in the know, or we who like acronyms, call it), and the admis­sion of her go-to karaōke song. I sup­pose we should say going-to” karaōke song, as Bud­dle claims her Jew­ish her­itage (anoth­er thing in com­mon with Stew­art) has ren­dered her tone-deaf and thus unable to sing in front of oth­ers. (My own lack of tone and care for my fel­low cit­i­zens, alas, means I shall remain silent in sol­i­dar­i­ty.)

Until the day Bud­dle over­comes this road­block, you’ll have to catch her in some of the bou­tique” appear­ances she has been mak­ing this year. Bud­dle has toured with Tay­lor Tom­lin­son, a rel­a­tive up-and-com­er you may know from her 2 to 4 amaz­ing Net­flix spe­cials. (Read this arti­cle slow­ly enough and you may emerge only to dis­cov­er a new one is out, no doubt even bet­ter than the last.) You may also have caught Bud­dle on After Mid­night (host­ed by Tom­lin­son, who picked up the torch from Chris Hard­wick). Lucky for us, Bud­dle is now a Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val vet­er­an with her 3rd appear­ance for the 2024 edi­tion. This fes­ti­val’s high­light for audi­ences (and Valerie per­son­al­ly) was get­ting to watch her open (and crush) for Marc Maron.

I’m always reading the news, it felt like a waste [to not make it into material]
Sophie Buddle

With a shoutout to Jon Stew­art at the top of the con­ver­sa­tion between Bud­dle and Valerie Lopez, it’s nat­ur­al to won­der if the Cana­da-born-and-raised Bud­dle is real­ly that into Amer­i­can pol­i­tics. The answer is an emphat­ic yes, as it turns out she’s a vora­cious con­sumer of news be it of the polit­i­cal or cul­tur­al genre.

I’m always read­ing the news, it felt like a waste [to not make it into mate­r­i­al],” Bud­dle jokes. At the same time, she insists I try not to mon­e­tize every hob­by of mine”, not­ing that’s a dan­ger in the cur­rent cre­ator econ­o­my, if for no oth­er rea­son than the com­ments. That said, her shows aren’t all pol­i­tics, and in fact hew edgy — as Bud­dle will be the first to admit. The whole inter­view is rapid-fire, with Bud­dle’s tim­ing – and pas­sion to share naughty terms – keep­ing Valerie and this writer on their toes. Trust me, this is an episode that deserves a lis­ten to get the full expe­ri­ence.

It was an instinct Bud­dle had to fight when tour­ing Cana­da with Rick Mer­cer (the North-of-the-bor­der Jon Stew­art), in front of audi­ences quite a bit dif­fer­ent than your aver­age fes­ti­val show. I was­n’t real­ly doing my favorite jokes,” she recalls of work­ing clean”, but per­form­ing for fan­cy-dress the­atre audi­ences feels like you’re doing art”.

I try not to monetize every hobby of mine
Sophie Buddle

Pol­i­tics and art; are there two top­ics peo­ple love more to talk about, or with such poten­tial­ly eso­teric lin­go? Bud­dle might argue that the rapid­ly chang­ing slang of the youths can be dif­fi­cult to nav­i­gate as well, and has tak­en it upon her­self to con­tin­ue teach­ing her dad the lat­est terms each year to help keep him cur­rent. Last year was thirsty” (and boy, was it); this year is rizz” (as in charis­ma, nat­u­ral­ly). As a father, and writer, I’m thank­ful she’s doing her part to keep the elder­ly as bussin’ as we can be.

So what’s in Buddle’s future, besides her cur­rent ongo­ing quest to legit­imize Dol­phin-train­er-Core” fash­ion? (Lis­ten to the inter­view, it’ll make sense even if it’s not your style…yet.) Giv­en the mul­ti­ple calls she’s received, Bud­dle insists she’s buck­ling down to update sophiebud​dle​.com. She has an hour of mate­r­i­al she thinks can be turned into a spe­cial, and is enjoy­ing her con­tin­u­ing deep dive into her lit­tle polit­i­cal things”, to see if it turns into any­thing inter­est­ing”. Her tour­ing strat­e­gy remains on the road, always on the road”, which sounds exhaust­ing but brings her to places like Austin, for which we’re always grate­ful. Her tour­ing sched­ule has an addi­tion­al ben­e­fit for her long-time boyfriend — he gets to see sur­faces in their shared home in Los Ange­les.

If the cur­rent cli­mate can be called any­thing, inter­est­ing” is a sol­id choice, though may we also sug­gest apoc­ryphal” or Fast­Pass to Insan­i­ty”? It’s come­di­ans like Bud­dle (and the afore­men­tioned Stew­art) that both help us make sense of the mad­ness, and make us feel, per­haps, a wee bit bet­ter, and that things may actu­al­ly turn out less than ter­ri­ble.

And if it doesn’t, I hear that Sophie Buddle’s moth­er coun­try is quite nice, and real­ly not that far of a dri­ve, all things considered.

Fol­low Sophie

Sophie can be seen and heard:

  • Com­e­dy Cen­tral Spe­cial Com­ing Soon
  • The Tonight Show with Jim­my Fal­lon — link
  • Debut Album (2020 Juno Com­e­dy Album of the Year): Lil Bit of Buddle
  • Pod­cast — Obsessed with Sophie Buddle
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Sophie Buddle