Sophie Buddle Headlines Cap City Comedy Club 12/30-31, 2022

December 24, 2022

Photo Credit

Leigh Righton

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Sur­prise!!! We could not pass up the oppor­tu­ni­ty to share a lit­tle hol­i­day cheer with this mini-episode. We first got to know Sophie Bud­dle at the 2022 Moon­tow­er JFL fes­ti­val ear­li­er this year and we jumped at the chance to catch up with her dur­ing her much deserved break from tour­ing the U.S. over the last 8 months.

Bud­dle hails from Cana­da and only about a year ago made the trans­fer to the U.S. (you can hear the elab­o­rate work involved by check­ing out our orig­i­nal episode with her). Hav­ing start­ed com­e­dy in her teens, Bud­dle was well-versed in per­form­ing to Cana­di­an audi­ences. After land­ing in Los Ange­les, Bud­dle set to tour­ing the U.S. in earnest and learned many valu­able lessons — includ­ing how to get her­self lost in the Mall of the Amer­i­c­as in Min­neso­ta and how U.S. audi­ences dif­fer from Cana­di­an audi­ences.

When not pon­tif­i­cat­ing on the mer­its of arti­fi­cial vs. real Christ­mas trees or the ori­gins of vine­gar, Bud­dle is on a quest to find the best Mex­i­can food. We think her New Year’s des­ti­na­tion in Austin should pro­vide ample oppor­tu­ni­ty to meet that quest.

Yes, you read that right, Bud­dle will be in Austin over New Year’s week­end! We encour­age you to cel­e­brate your New Year’s eve week­end with Bud­dle (and her boyfriend and fel­low com­ic Mayce Galoni) while she head­lines the Red Room at Cap City Com­e­dy Club on Decem­ber 30 and 31st. In addi­tion to being a fan­tas­tic com­ic for us to watch at Moon­tow­er JFL this spring, we know that you’ll love see­ing her per­form in one of the best rooms for com­e­dy in town.

What’s in store for Bud­dle in 2023? Stay tuned, but we’ll get to see her shine on our TV screens for her debut Tonight Show with Jim­my Fal­lon appear­ance. There may be more in store in 2023 for Bud­dle, but for now, let’s focus on a prop­er Austin wel­come over New Year’s Eve week­end to one of our favorite Cana­di­ans who now make the U.S home.

Find out more

Fol­low Sophie

Sophie can be seen and heard:

  • Cap City Com­e­dy Club Red Room — Decem­ber 30 – 312022
  • Debut Album (2020 Juno Com­e­dy Album of the Year): Lil Bit of Buddle
  • Pod­cast — Obsessed with Sophie Buddle
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Sophie Buddle