Shit's Golden Goes All in With Johnny Pemberton and Josh Fadem

June 25, 2014

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Chris Tellez is back and host­ing anoth­er Shit’s Gold­en show­case at the Spi­der House Ball­room, and while he still loves mom­mies, this time the focus has shift­ed a bit.

Tellez has booked nation­al­ly fea­tured comics/​actors John­ny Pem­ber­ton and Josh Fadem to head­line the June 30th show­case. Pem­ber­ton and Fadem’s per­for­mance on Shit’s Gold­en is actu­al­ly a stop on their Sum­mer Boys Do It tour. The tour kicked off on June, 13th in Fadem’s home­town of Tul­sa, OK and cul­mi­nates on August 31st in Durham, NC. If you can’t catch them at Shit’s Gold­en, you have one more chance to catch them before they flee the great state of Texas. Their final Texas stop is in Hous­ton on July 2nd at Rud­yard’s British Pub.

If you’re read­ing this then more than like­ly you’re a com­e­dy fan.

John­ny Pem­ber­ton brings his tour, Sum­mer Boys Do It to the Spi­der House Ball­room (pho­to cred­it: www​.john​nypem​ber​ton​.square​space​.com).

You also prob­a­bly have seen Pem­ber­ton on shows like the Kroll Show, It’s Always Sun­ny in Philadel­phia, and the Jump­street movies. These are just a few of his 42 act­ing cred­its accord­ing to IMDB. On top of that, the mid­west­ern born, Flori­da State attendee, has per­formed in the Just for Laughs Festvial, SXSW, and the Sled Island Festival.

His tour­ing part­ner, L.A. based Josh Fadem, has also been on screen with cred­its from 30 Rock, Conan, Com­e­dy BANG! BANG!, Amer­i­can Dad and Key and Peele. Fadem is a fre­quent con­trib­u­tor to Fun­ny or Die and has writ­ing cred­its on Adult Swim. His mix of phys­i­cal com­e­dy and stand up make his shows wild­ly entertaining.

Josh Fadem brings his phys­i­cal com­e­dy style on tour with John­ny Pem­ber­ton (pho­to cred­it: www​.super​se​ri​ousshow​.tum​blr​.com).

The Austin scene will be strong­ly rep­re­sent­ed by Mac Blake, Bri­an Gaar and Ker­ri Lendo. The three Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin and Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val vet­er­ans bring their own brand of stand-up com­e­dy to the show. From what I’ve seen from Pem­ber­ton and Fadem, Blake, Gaar and Lendo are a great addi­tion to the show. This show will be quirky and well worth the cost of admission.

As always Spi­der House Ball­room has a busy sched­ule between com­e­dy and music shows. Details about Shit’s Gold­en and oth­er shows can be found on their web­site. Shit’s Gold­en tick­ets can be pur­chased in advance for $5.00. This is ben­e­fi­cial since they’re $10.00 at the door. With a line­up like this, they may sell out so get them while you can.