Shane Mauss is Everywhere

March 5, 2016


When­ev­er he’s in Austin, Shane Mauss vis­its the Dud­ley and Bob Morn­ing Show. The show is known for being selec­tive about which come­di­ans they chat with. Hav­ing been on mul­ti­ple episodes and on their pod­cast is a tes­ta­ment to his style and charm.

The Wis­con­sin native has been at the com­e­dy game for some time and since he was named Best New Com­ic,” at the 2007 HBO Com­e­dy Arts Fes­ti­val, he’s racked up an impres­sive list of cred­its like appear­ances on Conan and Jim­my Kim­mel. He’s also record­ed two albums: Jokes to Make My Par­ents Proud and Mat­ing Sea­son. The lat­ter album is also a Net­flix special.

Com­e­dy Wham cor­re­spon­dent, Lara Smith had an oppor­tu­ni­ty to pick Shane Mauss’ brain dur­ing his most recent trip to Austin. Click and enjoy:

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​d​e​E​C​V​q​6​a​6​W​8&​w​=​420&​h=315]

Shane Mauss’ upcom­ing sched­ule can be found at his web­site and lucky for us, he may be mak­ing a return to Austin in the near future.

Shane Mauss