Scott Wharton

March 2, 2025

Photo Credit

Michael W Jones


2025 Moontower Comedy Festival Series

The 2025 Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val is bless­ing us with 2 weeks of com­e­dy, live pod­casts, and after par­tires! Com­e­dy Wham is fea­tur­ing our favorite con­ver­sa­tions lead­ing up to and dur­ing this year’s fes­ti­val. Enjoy!


Scott Wharton’s jour­ney — from Vir­ginia trou­ble­mak­er to Austin com­e­dy sta­ple — unfolds like a South­ern goth­ic punch­line. Lis­ten­ers get front-row seats to his mush­room-fueled career ori­gin sto­ry, the whiplash of trad­ing chain­saws for punch­lines, and the grit­ty real­i­ty of nav­i­gat­ing comedy’s big pond.” Between cocaine con­fes­sions and tear­ful air­port rev­e­la­tions, Whar­ton serves equal parts chaos and charm, prov­ing that the best comics are forged in life’s messi­est corners.

On living a life on the edge

From suspensions to run-ins with the law, Wharton’s Virginia upbringing was anything but quiet. His unapologetic reflection on blue-collar chaos—including moonlighting as a chainsaw-wielding drug dealer—hints at a past that’s less "Southern charm" and more "hold my beer." Valerie Lopez, ever the polite host, wisely avoided asking for his mom’s maiden name.

One word to describe my past? Troublesome.
Scott Wharton
On psychedelic career starters

While selling mushrooms in his 20s, Wharton found inspiration listening to comedy albums mid-trip. The irony of philosophizing about tree-hugging ideals by day and cutting down trees by night wasn’t lost on him. “Conflicting concepts,” he admits, dryly noting that Pandora’s shuffle button did more for his career than any life coach.

What real­ly pushed me to start com­e­dy? A string of mush­room trips.
Scott Wharton
On Austin’s humbling tacos

Wharton arrived in 2021 expecting red carpets but found himself just another comic in Rogan’s shadow. Promises of booked shows evaporated as newer, shinier acts rolled into town. His consolation? Jamar Neighbors’ taco truck and the humility of realizing “artist badge” doesn’t mean “free queso.”

I went from being a big fish in a small pond to a gup­py in the ocean.
Scott Wharton
Landing his first Moontower Comedy Festival with Dressed to Kill

Producing Dressed to Kill catapulted Wharton into surreal territory: promoting shows alongside Sklar Brothers and Dr. Phil (the Adam Ray version). “It’s so fucking cool,” he grins, sounding like a kid who just discovered his mixtape made it onto the Guardians of the Galaxy soundtrack.

My name’s on a fly­er with Joey Diaz. How neat is that?
Scott Wharton

Fol­low Scott

Scott can be seen and heard:

  • Dressed to Kill 
    • March 22 — 9pm at Roz­co’s (and monthly)
    • March 23 — 7pm at Hous­ton’s Punchline
    • Pre­mier­ing at Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val 2025
  • Stoney Baloney Podcast
  • This is Not a Scottcast Podcast
  • Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val 2025

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Scott Wharton