Sauced! Comedy Returns to Kebabaliscious

March 17, 2015

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Sauced! Com­e­dy is back at Keba­ba­li­cious this week and guess what? You don’t need one of those fan­cy SXSW wrist­bands to get in!

Warm Weath­er Means Get­ting Sauced!

Katie Stone is rean­i­mat­ing her warm weath­er com­e­dy show­case this Wednes­day at the brick and mor­tar Keba­ba­li­cious site at 1311 East 7th St. Sure it’s down­town, but it’s not down­town and to make things bet­ter, not only is it wrist­band free, there’s no cover.

Katie Stone on stage warm­ing up the crowd (Cred­it: Kebabalicious).

The show is unof­fi­cial but with the line up Stone has orga­nized, it should be offi­cial. Local come­di­ans Dun­can Car­son (Cohost of the suc­cess­ful Sure Thing Show­case), Avery Moore (who sings like an angel and hosts The Late Slot at The Velv Com­e­dy Lounge) along with Andrew Dis­mukes and spe­cial guests will be tak­ing the mic at 8pm. Katie Stone did­n’t tell me who the spe­cial guests are but with past head­lin­ers like Kath Bar­badoro, Dan­ny Palum­bo, Aaron Brooks, and Ramin Naz­er are any indi­ca­tion, they are going to be a treat.

I should­n’t be sur­prised that Katie Stone is able to assem­ble such a crack team of tal­ent­ed per­form­ers. Not only does she host and pro­duce Sauced! Com­e­dy but on the first Sun­day of the month she’s co-pro­duc­ing and host­ing Naughty Bits with Ella Gale at the New Move­ment The­ater (seri­ous­ly, this the­ater is men­tioned a lot on here).

Sauced! Com­e­dy is a warm weath­er, out­door show­case (Cred­it: Kebabalicious).

Don’t for­get the sketch com­e­dy. Stone can be seen per­form­ing reg­u­lar­ly with the Tak­en Seri­ous­ly sketch group along with Caitlin McNal­ly, Nathan Ehrmann, and Robert Segovia at The New Move­ment The­ater. All this along with being a stand up come­di­an has allowed her to see the best and worst of shows. Plus she has a very strong tal­ent pool to pull from, despite SXSW going at full speed.

A No-Brain­er Location

Keba­ba­li­cious is well known food trail­er in Austin. It’s so pop­u­lar they decid­ed to open a store front on the cor­ner of

Keba­balis­cious has a full menu (Cred­it: Kebabalicious)

East 7th and Nava­so­ta. This is good for a cou­ple of reasons:

1. It pro­vides patrons a steady loca­tion to con­sume beer and their awe­some menu items like their cheese plate. 2. It’s on the east side! Park­ing tends to be eas­i­er east of I35 and it’s only a few blocks from the down­town train sta­tion. For those of you close to a metro rail sta­tion, like myself, take advan­tage of the extend­ed rail hours and enjoy the show.

I’ll will absolute­ly be at the Sauced! Com­e­dy kick­off show. It’s rare for me to see Dun­can Car­son do a full set, since I most­ly see him host­ing at Sure Thing, and Avery Moore is worth her weight in com­e­dy gold. I hope you all take some time tomor­row, step away from that real­ly rad art-deco new wave synth band or who­ev­er is per­form­ing in front of the McDon­ald’s food trail­er and get a heap­ing help­ing the Austin com­e­dy scene at the Sauced! Com­e­dy kick­off show.

[googlemaps https://​www​.google​.com/​m​a​p​s​/​e​m​b​e​d​?​p​b​=​!​1​m​14​!​1m8!1 m³!1d13784.155154374097!2d-97.728304!3d30.264476!3 m²!1i1024!2i768!4f13.1!3 m³!1 m²!1s0x0%3A0x1b245f1a089bc25c!2sKebabalicious!5e0!3 m²!1sen!2sus!4v1426612909498&w=600&h=450]


Katie Stone Sauced! Com­e­dy Keba­balis­cious

Fol­low Com­e­dy Wham on Twit­ter: @ComedyWham