Pat Dean, Vol. 3 - Like a Rolling Stone
March 3, 2024
Kyle Post

Bill the Dill, Chet Lightning, and the Sugar King walk into a bar. What do you do?
If you’re completely mystified by this opening scene, we can’t blame you. These are (unbeloved) characters of The Lanalax Corporation, a podcast with over 700 episodes that met its end on August 25, 2020. Or so we thought. During this, our third, interview with Pat Dean he drops the news that The Lanalax Corporation and its cast of unwelcome characters is returning. As of press time, a handful of new episodes have been released.
The bare-bones choose your own adventure discussion which features Dean and Aaron Brooks (or sometimes special guests) trading roles leading the adventure has no formal introduction or close and never, ever, ever promotes itself. The podcast truly falls into the category of IYKYK experiences. In Dean’s words: “Just because a podcast exists, doesn’t mean you have to listen to it.” But why deprive yourself of listening to Brooks get angry at Dean over the introduction of certain characters, or the unexpected demise that is the signature of The Lanalax Corporation. By comparison, this is Comedy Wham Presents 315th episode, and we would very much like you to listen and – as a bonus – we vow to never kill off any guests.
Obviously, the return of Lanalax is a pleasant surprise, but so is the rest of the conversation with Dean. The topics meander much like a river covering absurd topics such as Dean’s (you can judge for yourself) impression of Bob Dylan, his uncanny prediction that the Kansas City Chiefs would win the Superbowl (the interview was recorded the afternoon of the Superbowl), Catholic schools, and his fascination with regional accents.
But what about comedy, you say?
Dean left the Austin comedy scene for a few years and returned to manage The Velveeta Room in late 2023. He previously managed the Velveeta Room for several years pre-pandemic. With his return, some changes were in order. He no longer serves double duty as both the room manager and bartender, which allows him to focus on ensuring producers, comics, and audiences are enjoying their time in the cozy club situated next door to the historic (and often loud) Esther’s Follies.
Dean feels like he has more room to experiment as a booker these days. One experiment that seemed to fall flat is a Tuesday night open mic“no one drinks anymore!” Dean laments. Without liquor sales, the experiment was shuttered, but that hasn’t stopped Dean from tinkering with the typical Thursday to Saturday comedy programming. Adding a pre-Speed Velv Open Mic showcase to keep butts in seats, allowing more creative one-off shows in the Friday night 10pm slot, and so on. For those Friday night late show slots, Dean summarizes his approach as follows:“We get dumb as fuck. Do you have a dumb idea? Let’s do it!”. Stay tuned for the next dumb idea by following The Velveeta Room’s Instagram account. You never know what dumb idea will pop up next.
One idea that isn’t dumb is the frequent homage in the new shows to long-time and beloved doorman Michael Parks (himself a frequent recurring character in The Lanalax Corporation). If you’ve been to The Velv, you’re no doubt hearing his voice in your head as you’re reading this. Several new shows are billed as Michael Parks productions and we couldn’t be happier that Parks is getting his due for being a fixture at the door ushering you into The Velveeta Room.
Dean has a few observations about the changes to the 6th Street entertainment district. With Comedy Mothership, Creek and Cave, Black Rabbit Comedy Club, and Sunset Strip just a few blocks away, barking is a more prevalent part of his business game. Of the Mothership specifically which routinely sells out,“you’re not taking away any business from anyone because they’ve already sold out and they literally can’t make any more money,” so he’ll send barkers to let the stand-by line know that they can come see live comedy at The Velv. The barking model is commonplace in the crowded and ultra-competitive New York City comedy scene, which Austin is resembling more and more.
As a booker, he’s had to be more flexible about the comics he books on shows at The Velveeta Room since his return. Regular headliners of yesteryear have climbed the comedy ranks and sell out venues far larger than the Velv. Nowadays, the Velv has become a reliable space for not only national up-and-comers but local comics ready to make the leap into headlining. Pre-pandemic, if someone had to back out at the last minute, it used to frustrate him. These days, he knows that at any given time, 50 working comics are downtown and available to step in. He’s far more relaxed than we’re accustomed to.
As our podcast draws to a close, Dean can’t help but mention, nay, declare that he is a cool uncle, a badge of honor he wears proudly, even if verbal and physical abuse comes with the territory at the hands of his niece and nephew. On the other hand, he uses words like defenestration and has a terrible Bob Dylan impersonation, so really, how cool can he be? Luckily for him, it’s all fun for him and if it isn’t, he’ll stop doing it. As he puts it,“That’s what’s cool about life is that you can kind of just stop doing things.” Sage words from a cool uncle.
Follow Pat
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- Do512
Pat can be seen and heard:
- The Velveeta Room — all the damned time (he manages and produces shows)
- I Learned Nothing podcast with Ben Cholok
- The Lanalax Corporation with Aaron Brooks