Over the Lege: A Political Comedy Show

September 15, 2022

Photo Credit

Stephanie Chiarello

Every once in a while, worlds col­lide and we become smit­ten with a show concept.

Pol­i­tics is not some­thing we usu­al­ly cov­er or talk about, but let’s face it, we live in Austin, and we think a LOT of things about our Texas Leg­is­la­ture are com­e­dy wor­thy. Full dis­clo­sure: I per­son­al­ly look for­ward to the Best/​Worst list of politi­cians that Texas Month­ly issues. So, when pre­sent­ed a chance to pro­mote a com­e­dy show with a sole focus on the Texas Leg­is­la­ture and fea­tur­ing a role by our colum­nist Rochelle McConni­co, I was on board!

Hap­pen­ing this week­end at the Long Cen­ter, Over the Lege Part 6: A New Low is the brain­child of Stephanie Chiarel­lo, now in its sixth sea­son (hence the Part 6, see what she did there?). Chiarel­lo has seri­ous polit­i­cal cre­den­tials, hav­ing spent eight ses­sions as either a leg­isla­tive staffer or as a pro­fes­sion­al watch­ing the leg­is­la­ture. She’s cur­rent­ly serv­ing as Chief of Staff to State Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Bob­by Guer­ra. The self-pro­fessed rab­ble-rouser (we’re quite fond of rab­ble-rousers or those who even know the phrase), cre­at­ed and intro­duced the world to Over the Lege in 2016 at The Insti­tu­tion The­ater (now closed) and has pre­sent­ed addi­tion­al sea­sons at Long The­ater’s Rollins The­ater and even pub­lic access TV.

As the Legislature gets more absurd, the parody of it gets harder. We could just read transcripts from the official legislative journals and the audience would think that we had written it as fiction.
Stephanie Chiarello

Chiarel­lo real­ized how much com­e­dy can be mined from our Texas polit­i­cal machine. As she mus­es, As the Leg­is­la­ture gets more absurd, the par­o­dy of it gets hard­er. We could just read tran­scripts from the offi­cial leg­isla­tive jour­nals and the audi­ence would think that we had writ­ten it as fic­tion.” Luck­i­ly, Chiarel­lo is also trained with degrees in the­atre and dance (and biol­o­gy, as one does) and knows how to put on a Pro­duc­tion with a cap­i­tal P (or is capi­tol more appro­pri­ate in this case — that’s one for the fel­low politicos). 

What can you expect? Over the Lege is a sketch com­e­dy show that iden­ti­fies as a lit­tle Sat­ur­day Night Live, a lit­tle Col­bert Report, and a lit­tle Hee Haw. The show opens with a musi­cal num­ber to get you in the mood, fol­lowed by a mono­logue from the God­dess of Lib­er­ty (you know her — she stands on top of the Texas Capi­tol — with hor­rif­i­cal­ly exag­ger­at­ed fea­tures), fol­lowed by top­i­cal and quick-wit­ted sketch­es about recent hap­pen­ings in the Texas Leg­is­la­ture like ERCOT, vot­ing rights, and teacher strug­gles. The sec­ond act is a Col­bert Report style inter­view with a dif­fer­ent leg­isla­tive celebri­ty each night — Sen­a­tor Sarah Eck­hardt on Fri­day, Rep­re­sen­ta­tive Gina Hino­josa on Sat­ur­day and Erin Zwein­er on Sun­day. The show ends with a lit­tle improv and final musi­cal num­ber beg­ging the audi­ence to Get Over Their Lege”.

Don’t miss this if you love both com­e­dy and the absur­di­ty of Texas politics.

Fol­low Over the Lege at

Over the Lege
can be seen and heard:

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Stephanie Chiarello