Over the Lege: A Political Comedy Show
September 15, 2022
Stephanie Chiarello
Every once in a while, worlds collide and we become smitten with a show concept.
Politics is not something we usually cover or talk about, but let’s face it, we live in Austin, and we think a LOT of things about our Texas Legislature are comedy worthy. Full disclosure: I personally look forward to the Best/Worst list of politicians that Texas Monthly issues. So, when presented a chance to promote a comedy show with a sole focus on the Texas Legislature and featuring a role by our columnist Rochelle McConnico, I was on board!
Happening this weekend at the Long Center, Over the Lege Part 6: A New Low is the brainchild of Stephanie Chiarello, now in its sixth season (hence the Part 6, see what she did there?). Chiarello has serious political credentials, having spent eight sessions as either a legislative staffer or as a professional watching the legislature. She’s currently serving as Chief of Staff to State Representative Bobby Guerra. The self-professed rabble-rouser (we’re quite fond of rabble-rousers or those who even know the phrase), created and introduced the world to Over the Lege in 2016 at The Institution Theater (now closed) and has presented additional seasons at Long Theater’s Rollins Theater and even public access TV.
Chiarello realized how much comedy can be mined from our Texas political machine. As she muses, “As the Legislature gets more absurd, the parody of it gets harder. We could just read transcripts from the official legislative journals and the audience would think that we had written it as fiction.” Luckily, Chiarello is also trained with degrees in theatre and dance (and biology, as one does) and knows how to put on a Production with a capital P (or is capitol more appropriate in this case — that’s one for the fellow politicos).
What can you expect? Over the Lege is a sketch comedy show that identifies as a little Saturday Night Live, a little Colbert Report, and a little Hee Haw. The show opens with a musical number to get you in the mood, followed by a monologue from the Goddess of Liberty (you know her — she stands on top of the Texas Capitol — with horrifically exaggerated features), followed by topical and quick-witted sketches about recent happenings in the Texas Legislature like ERCOT, voting rights, and teacher struggles. The second act is a Colbert Report style interview with a different legislative celebrity each night — Senator Sarah Eckhardt on Friday, Representative Gina Hinojosa on Saturday and Erin Zweiner on Sunday. The show ends with a little improv and final musical number begging the audience to “Get Over Their Lege”.
Don’t miss this if you love both comedy and the absurdity of Texas politics.

Follow Over the Lege at
- Website — overthelege.com
- Twitter — @overthelege
- Instagram — @overthelege
- Facebook — Facebook.com/overthelege
Over the Lege can be seen and heard:
- Long Center — September 16 – 18, 2022 Get Tickets
- Podcast — Listen now!

Valerie Lopez

Valerie Lopez