Matthew "Math" Broussard

August 8, 2016


Matthew Brous­sard is about to cel­e­brate his 5th year as a stand up come­di­an. He got start­ed doing open mics at 23 years old, which means the 28 year old still has plen­ty of years ahead of him in the com­e­dy scene. If you’re impressed with that math I just did, then read on, loy­al readers.

Brous­sard grew up in the Sparkling City by the Sea until he moved to Atlanta, GA in high school. After grad­u­at­ing he made his way back to Texas for col­lege at Rice Uni­ver­si­ty where he began study­ing mechan­i­cal engi­neer­ing. Lat­er on he changed majors to applied math. He got his start in stand-up com­e­dy after see­ing Don­ald Glover per­form a live show. Matthew Brous­sard was blown away by how Glover had the audi­ence in the palm of his hand. A year lat­er, Brous­sard found him­self win­ning a Hous­ton com­e­dy contest.

Matthew Broussard

For the record, Valerie is a huge math geek and gets wrapped up in dis­cussing apply­ing algo­rithms to joke writ­ing and deliv­ery with Brous­sard. It’s pret­ty inter­est­ing and this is com­ing from a non-math enthu­si­ast. I know math is every­where — Fibonac­ci sequences in sun­flower petals, always hav­ing to ask peo­ple to Please Excuse My Dear Aunt Sal­ly, it’s all over the place. So it should be no sur­prise it can be found in com­e­dy. That’s the beau­ty of com­e­dy. It’s mal­leable. The premise — a lump of men­tal clay — shaped and formed by the per­former and giv­en to giv­en to the audi­ence cus­tom craft­ed and kiln fired. Yes, you got math and ceram­ics with this one.

Brous­sard has been on Conan and on Com­e­dy Cen­tral Roast Bat­tle. Click the links to get a cut of his jib. He’ll also be fea­tured on three dates of the upcom­ing Odd­ball Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val. He also has a cool web­site named Mon­day Pun­day. It mix­es puns with puzzles.

Matthew Broussard