Maggi Mayfield: Room for Everybody
March 24, 2022
Maggi Mayfield
I’m not one to “double-dip” often, be it salsa, or the amazing guests we have on the podcast.
That said, when this week’s guest, Maggi Mayfield, crossed paths with Valerie Lopez to talk about her background and career, I couldn’t help but notice that she runs her own voiceover consulting business, MMMade It Media. Having been told I have a unique voice (and, occasionally, a “face for radio”), one can’t help but wonder if this is when I finally try to knock that particular item off my bucket list.
As Mayfield would say, “there’s room for everybody!”.
In fact, it’s one of the first bits of encouragement / advice Mayfield tosses out in her time with Lopez, and far from the last. Formerly of New Jersey, with a stint in California, and now based in Austin, she’s truly made her voice her career, whether it be through MMMade It, on comedy stages around town, or her just released album, “Wake Up Maggi”.
Going into the catacombs in Paris? Mayfield advises wearing a mask, even if you don’t care for it in “normal” life (or what we have exchanged for “normal”, currently). Wondering if you should snap the shutter at a historical site? “Take that picture,” she readily says. The common thread through it all seems to be a mirror of her ambitious work ethos: there’s room for everybody to be themselves, to do their thing.
Maybe it’s all the reading and thinking about death Mayfield has been doing recently, but she definitely has “being in the moment” (and present) on her mind. This stands whether it’s her own goals and focus, or taking the time to see and praise fellow comics. “I think it’s important to be a fan of your friends,” she says, noting the importance of taking the time to stop thinking about ourselves and “go support your friends.” (Something especially important in a “bubble” comprised primarily of entertainers, where sometimes the inner voice seemingly never stops talking.)
Supporting those near and dear has been in Mayfield’s life from the beginning, recalling early antics she used to distract and comfort her family (and herself) after the death of a beloved grandmother. The American Musical and Dramatic Academy (some years later of course), took note and offered her a scholarship to attend in New York, which she jumped at. It ultimately wasn’t the right fit, at the right time, but heading back to her home in California turned out to be the crucial pivot she didn’t know she needed.
Fighting that feeling of “need[ing] to get a real job”, Mayfield discovered a radio broadcasting school in Huntington Beach, beginning what she calls a “fifteen year detour”. It’s still going, and, as she admits, is “serving her well”. If you went just by what I detailed in the opening, it’s hard to disagree; that’s not even the full menu of what Mayfield is dishing up these days.
Having been part of a well-regarded improv troupe in the past (as well as their marketer and promoter, naturally), Mayfield is looking to swizzle some of that magic into The Challenge Mic, which she calls an “improv style mic”, and “wonderful workout space” for comics. Coming on stage without prepared material is often frowned upon (if not a nightmare in and of itself), but it’s core to this concept. It worked beautifully in previous locations, and there’s no mistaking her excitement when talking of bringing it to Austin (in fact, it debuted in Austin on March 22nd).
Also in the works is a project that incorporates another of Mayfield’s loves: her guitar. An early and fortuitous mixup saw her end up on stage at what she thought was an open mic; it was, but for musicians, not comics. Not one to let the moment pass (as we’ve seen), she performed, and a partnership was born with her friend Ryan, and a show called Comics and Chaos. A mix of music (grungy and “punk”, which she notes as another of her loves) and comedy, she’s looking forward to bringing it to life here.
Mayfield and guitar are rarely parted, with the instrument in hand helping her to tune the comedic instruments in her mind. From singing parodies to a former boyfriend in her kitchen, to the aforementioned new LP, it’s served her well. Did she have concerns about entering the world of musical parody, with giants like Weird Al ever towering nearby? If you’ve caught her spirit at this point, her answer won’t surprise you a bit: “He had to [start it] at some point, when he wasn’t famous; so I can do it too.” And thus came “Wake Up Maggi”.
So what else does Mayfield have brewing? Right now she’s “spending all her money, [making] music videos to make people laugh.” (It sounds like Lopez may make her music video debut soon!) Interested in longer-form content? She admits she’s got a feature-length film idea in her head as well. And of course she’s constantly busy working on new songs; anything to get that laughter fix. “When people laugh, you chase that high forever,” she jokes, and shows no signs of taking a breather anytime soon.
It’s been said that comedy as a career is a marathon, with hordes of people all simultaneously striving to break their limits and cross that distant finish line. Mayfield is clearly in it to win it, and, far from the crowded field being a deterrent, she seems to be thriving in it. After all, just like a marathon, there’s room for everybody.
Follow Maggi:
- Website — www.maggimayfield.com
- Twitter — @MaggiMayfield
- Instagram — @maggimayfield
- Facebook — Facebook.com/maggi.mayfield
- Tiktok — @maggimayfield
- Youtube — Youtube.com/MaggiMayfield
Maggi can be seen and heard:
- Wake Up, Maggi (album)
- Self-Isolated (movie)
- Hosted Shows
- The Challenge Mic — Tuesdays 8pm at Shooters
- The Brewtique Comedy Showcase (monthly) — Saturday April 2, 7:30pm
- Upcoming appearances
- Comedy Wham Showcase Anniversary Show — Tuesday April 5, 7:30pm at Hops & Thyme, Lakeway

Valerie Lopez

Richard Goodwin