Producer Minisode Compilation from 2023 Lysistrata Comedy Festival

April 8, 2023

Photo Credit

Valerie Lopez


While attend­ing the 2023 Lysis­tra­ta Com­e­dy Fes­ti­val at Cold­towne The­ater, these amaz­ing pro­duc­ers of the fes­ti­val shared their thoughts about the fes­ti­val, how they helped make the fes­ti­val hap­pen, advice for women in com­e­dy, and gave them a chance to pro­mote some­thing that means a lot to them.

  • Sarah Spear — Austin, Texas
  • Tiana Stu­art — Austin, Texas
  • Will Cleve­land — Austin, Texas
  • Maya Sivak — Austin, Texas
  • Jes­si­ca Scott — Austin, Texas
  • Denise Jena — Los Ange­les, California
  • Rochelle McConi­co — Austin, Texas

I apol­o­gize for the wind noise that hap­pens in some of the record­ings. Every attempt was made to elim­i­nate it as much as possible

Here's a recap of some of the inspirational things these producers had to share:
Just do stuff - even if you don't feel like you're ready for it.
Sarah Spear
I got more out of the festival than I put in.
Tiana Stuart
Find your joy.
Will Cleveland
It was nice to give back.
Maya Sivak
You're always going to be funny, the scene will always be there. Don't be afraid to quit, you can always come back to it.
Jess Scott
Altering your voice to fit in the boy's club - don't do that.
Denise Jena
We're creating something that's making a difference for people.
Rochelle McConico


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