Luke McClory: Instant Classic

August 26, 2016


If you’ve ever seen Luke McClo­ry, you’ve prob­a­bly noticed his dis­tinct style on stage. Clean cut and sharply dressed, I found it hard to com­pare him to any­one. Even his style of stand up is dis­tinct in that he keeps it clean but not chintzy or pan­der­ing to younger audi­ences. There’s no Gaffi­gan-ish tropes, weird voic­es or pup­pets. His deliv­ery is stream­lined and effi­cient, and I like the fla­vor of his Kool-Aid.

Unlike prob­a­bly 60% of cur­rent Austin denizens, McClo­ry came to our fair city via the birth canal. This form of entrance to the city only allows 1 – 3 peo­ple to enter at a time so it’s pret­ty exclu­sive. As a kid, he was­n’t privy to cable TV so his expo­sure to stand up was very lim­it­ed. He did man­age to catch episodes of SNL and Three Stooges reruns. Col­lege lead him to study dance and the­ater. Click the link to find out what lead him to L.A. and back to Austin; and how he got his feet wet in stand up:

Luke McClo­ry: The Past

In part two of his inter­view, Luke McClo­ry opens up to Valerie about his cur­rent projects. One in par­tic­u­lar, is called Weird! True Hol­ly­wood Tales where he pulls MC duties for host, Lashon­da Lester. The show has been cov­ered by Com­e­dy Wham in the past. It is a metic­u­lous­ly curat­ed show about weird/​dark lives of dead Hol­ly­wood celebri­ties. He’s also work­ing with Derek Phelps on a new game show called Lip Sync, Dammit! at the High­ball. Of course McClo­ry tried to get it changed to darn it.”

Luke McClo­ry: Current

McClo­ry, clean cut, Austin bred and raised, is a rare breed. Luck­i­ly for us, he has no plans to leave the Live Music Capi­tol of the World any time soon. With that being said, you can find him all over town at shows, and open mics. As for Weird! True Hol­ly­wood Tales, a new home is being sought out for the show. Their orig­i­nal loca­tion, the beloved Sal­vage Van­guard The­ater, has fall­en vic­tim to gentrification.

Luke McClory