Late Night Basement Comes to Austin

November 2, 2015

Chris Rose is bring­ing his ode to late night talk shows, Late Night Base­ment, to Austin in con­junc­tion with Fun Fun Fun Fest, and he’s bring­ing friends.

From Austin to Brook­lyn and Back

Late Night Base­ment is Chris Rose’s baby. The Brook­lyn based, Austin native, cre­at­ed the show as a trib­ute to net­work late night talk shows. You know what I’m talk­ing about and if you don’t, you may want to turn on the inter­net or a TV. Then again, if you’re read­ing this, you know about the inter­net… I digress.

The show has all the bells and whis­tles of its net­work big broth­ers, but its not in the shad­ow of the FCC. Which means, Rose and his team have more lee­way with the jokes, quips and shenani­gans. The team’s hard work has­n’t gone unseen. Recent­ly the web­site, New York Natives, wrote an arti­cle about Late Night Base­ment, brand­ing it The Fun­ni­est Show Not on Tele­vi­sion.” New York Mag­a­zine also crowned it 2015’s Best Com­e­dy Show in New York.”

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​M​V​G​6​W​x​H​p​g​N​U​&​w​=​560&​h=315]

Chris Rose is so con­fi­dent the show can car­ry such hon­orifics, he’s decid­ed to take the show on the road with some friends. For­tu­nate­ly for Austin, he’s bring­ing it to The New Move­ment The­ater this Fri­day, Novem­ber 6th, as a part of Fun Fun Fun Fest Nites. The beloved fes­ti­val is tak­ing place this week­end and Nites is an exten­sion of Fun Fun Fun Fest tak­ing place at a vari­ety of venues in the down­town Austin area.

Chris Rose is Bring­ing Friends

Here’s a run­down of the shows guests pulled from the press release:

The Lucas Broth­ers have per­formed on Late Night With Jim­my Fal­lon, been writ­ten about in Rolling Stone, and have appeared in Arrest­ed Devel­op­ment and 22 Jump Street. You can catch their ani­mat­ed show Lucas Bros Mov­ing Com­pa­ny” on Fox, but these Late Night Base­ment vets are at their best when you see them live, jok­ing around on stage with each other.

Andrew Bujal­s­ki is an Austin-based film­mak­er and one of the cre­ators of mum­blecore.’ He’s best known for his debut movies Fun­ny Ha Ha” and Mutu­al Appre­ci­a­tion”. The direc­tor, writer, and actor is stop­ping by to talk about his 2015 release, Results.”

Ter­ance McDavid is an Austin-based come­di­an who has per­formed at Hell Yes Fest, Fun Fun Fun Fest, and SXSW Under­ground. Ter­ance has toured the coun­try with ATX Com­e­dy Hour and hosts a week­ly stand-up show at The New Movement.

Chris Rose does a mono­logue in front of a packed house (Cred­it: Mindy Tucker).

Bill Calla­han is a singer/​songwriter, who has record­ed under the name Smog and has been a guest on the Com­e­dy Bang Bang! pod­cast (Episode 258: Yoke Jams). The Austin native cur­rent­ly has 15 albums under his belt and is signed to Drag City Records.


You have once chance to see Late Night Base­ment this week­end. The show starts at 10:30 pm sharp so don’t do that Austin thing, arriv­ing late and what not. The show is free for 18+ Fun Fun Fun Fest wrist­band hold­ers. If you aren’t hold­ing a wrist­band, all is not lost. They are accept­ing a few folks for a guest list hook-up but you need to send an email to LateNightBasement@​gmail.​com pret­ty quick. Please note the line up is sub­ject to change.

The New Move­ment Theater