Jt Habersaat Holds Fourth
October 2, 2022
Melissa Leavenworth

Comedy Wham is getting long in the tooth, in the best way, meaning we get to open the doors multiple times to some of our favorite guests. This week is one of the rare “four-peats”, with JT Habersaat sitting down for his 4th visit since 2018 to tell Valerie Lopez all about this year’s upcoming Altercation Comedy Festival, his new album, and a new book. And touring with world famous Eddie Pepitone. And action figures.
Habersaat, as one can already tell, stays quite busy, and obsesses over the details of everything he produces or takes part in. In the first 10 minutes of this episode, I already know more about the production of vinyl records, lead times, the newest and best “plants” (as we newly-expert folks call vinyl…making…places). Of course, the medium is merely a carrier for the content, and in this case the content is Habersaat’s newest album, Swampbeast. (Available now in all worlds analogue and digital, so hop to it.)
We can’t touch on the topic of records without talking a bit about labels, and Habersaat waxes (I promise the puns will stop) at length about both his former (Stand Up! Records) and new (800 Pound Gorilla Records) homes. Stand Up! Records (with which Habersaat has 3 previous albums), with owner Dan Schlissel, is an institution, and by all accounts Schlissel is an amazing producer and promoter, handling many tasks solo.
800 Pound Gorilla Records proved to be a bit of a different experience, with a stellar performer roster, and a team working all of the promotion angles, including managing social media promotion. For a details guy like Habersaat, seeing the machine in action, and new venues being opened (like SiriusXM), the comprehensive coverage is no doubt endlessly satisfying.
“To just survive on the road is doable,” Habersaat says, but “the more streams you have of stuff, the more it’s doable”. To that end both Habersaat and Pepitone now have Patreon pages, and continue to expand to more platforms and mediums; one must pay the bills to have the time and means to put on the shows we love to see.
Valerie refers to Habersaat’s first session with us as a “masterclass” in all things comedic (and the business of comedy), and that is how Habersaat approaches every topic covered. Not satisfied with being an expert on vinyl? He gives a mini-lesson on royalties on digital streaming platforms, followed by background business practices on some of the players, and touches on a handful of things in between. All of this was basically an answer to “how’s the record going?”; with interviews, as with comedy, Habersaat’s fascination with…well, just about everything…and desire to share it shines through.
Which leads us to Altercation Comedy Festival, Habersaat’s creation and shrine of sharing his love of comedy and performers with the most dedicated comedy fans. The 2022 lineup is amazing, and that’s before we get to the “secret performer”, a first for the festival this year. Habersaat is excited about the concept and the as-yet-unnamed guest, and hopes to continue it in future years. Want to know who it is? You’ll find out at the festival, the night of the performance, with the unveiling happening alongside other fan favorites like Pepitone and our friend Vanessa Gonzalez (stay tuned for a three-peat appearance from her coming next week).
I haven’t forgotten that we teased mention of a book earlier, and — for the time being — it remains a mystery, with Habersaat not giving up more than “it’s comedy related”. “I always say my brain is like my best friend, and my worst enemy, all in one,” he jokes, noting that the book is yet another way to keep the mind occupied and the anxiety down. He’s still creating his amazing one-off action figures as well, another pursuit that we champion (both for his mental health and our collection-crazy selves).
Surely that’s all for Habersaat at the moment? If you nodded sagely, you’ve not been paying attention in the least. He’s got multiple show dates scheduled (on his own and with friends), both new and re-scheduled events thanks to our friend COVID. It’s a packed agenda, and Habersaat (in a rare admission) suggests he’ll “collapse for a week” after; of course, the next words out of his mouth are more upcoming dates and events.
As Valerie wraps, the thing that stands out most to me is still the comment about the “masterclass”. I think I opened 20 browser tabs as fact and trivia and story spilled from Habersaat, and definitely didn’t catch them all. Between his albums, books, and of course Altercation Comedy Festival, the inescapable fact is that he’s someone who loves to share what he knows, the things he acknowledges are blind spots, and finds the angle for funny in each topic, mundane or otherwise. It’s the epitome of a learning experience, and a master class in every sense of the word.
Maybe we should start a yearly course with JT Habersaat? We’ll let you know when and where registration opens; for now, get out to Altercation Comedy and start your homework.

Altercation Festival 2022 ticket, badge, performer info is available at altercationcomedyfestival.com
Follow JT
- Website — jtcomedy.com
- Twitter — @jtstandup
- Instagram — @jtcustomtoys
- Facebook — Facebook.com/jt.habersaat
- Do 512 — Do512.com/artists/jt-habersaat
- Youtube — Youtube.com/channel/JtHabersaat
Jt can be seen, heard, and read:
- Touring around the country — check his website for dates near you
- Podcast — The Road Podcast with JT
- His previous episodes with us
- Comedy Albums — Swampbeast (800 Pound Gorilla Records) Hostile Corporate Takeover and Misanthrope (Stand Up! Records)
- Festivals — Founder/Coordinator of Altercation Fest
- Book — Killing it

Valerie Lopez

Richard Goodwin