John Hoeft is a charming young-ish grasshopper fully committed to perfecting his craft, with roots beginning locally in Cedar Park, Texas or as most people are told, from Austin, Texas. His love affair with comedy began at a young age, with high school theater class further solidifying the love (and anxiety) of making people laugh that continues today.
Routinely subsisting on 3 beers, a pizza slice, and cigarettes – aka the Breakfast of Champions (or in this case: Dinner of Stand-Up Comics), Hoeft’s luck, talent, and character-building experiences have been winning audiences over with his comedic stories amassed from experiences that are universal to all.
A recent graduate of Texas State University in San Marcos, Hoeft’s degree is in, you guessed it, theater. His most recent bragging rights include being a finalist in the 2022 Cap City Comedy Club Funniest Person in Austin (FPIA) contest and opening for Saturday Night Live alumnus, Alex Moffat.
I thought for like, two years, .... “everybody hates me"
John Hoeft
While Hoeft makes Austin his home, he finds opportunity and adventure via frequent trips to LA, but is always open to performing wherever and whenever because that’s what it means to be committed to standup. Ask Hoeft about the road trip to New Orleans and he’ll tell you the depths of his commitment.
Hoeft comes across as modest and humble, often expressing gratitude and disbelief in the budding success he is enjoying. If he were writing in a diary, you would see frequent notes of appreciation for those that support him, which is pretty much everyone. These days, that diary is Facebook and Valerie can vouch for just how much support Hoeft receives from friends and family.
Hoeft described his past with the single word: tumultuous. That’s fitting. Not everyone can say that the moment they knew that they wanted to pursue a comedy career involved their middle-school English Class and The Diary of Anne Frank.
I'm such a perfectionist about comedy, which is the worst thing you can be with comedy.
John Hoeft
When Hoeft drew a card from the open-ended question game, Where Should We Begin?, his prompt was: ‘A blind spot I have is…’. He shared his answer with ease, identifying his blind spot to Valerie as ego. “I thought for like, two years, … , ‘everybody hates me’.” Hoeft expands on his blind spot by describing the inner turmoil with talks of self-doubt and getting bullied.
Hoeft and Valerie’s banter includes name dropping, COVID pitfalls, and a mention of a super cringe moment involving a hug. Hoeft openly states that he wants to be the center of attention but at the same time, he doesn’t. He jokes, “I’m such a perfectionist about comedy, which is the worst thing you can be with comedy.”
With the ease of conversation and the depictions of universally experienced emotions, everyone can find a relatable segment in this episode: be it friend-sourcing feedback in middle-school with pencil, paper, and a checkmark; to being a perfectionist; or wanting to grow in the pursuit of one’s abilities.
When asked one word to describe his future, Hoeft states ‘bountiful’ and if you listen closely, you can hear the reverence and gratitude for whatever the pages of his future diary will hold.
Listen to the podcast episode to hear these words and more from John
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John can be seen and heard:
- Performing around Austin