Have you ever been heckled by a homeless person? I don’t know, maybe you were mowing your yard and they stop on the sidewalk to tell you to get a real job or something? Jasmine Ellis was heckled on stage, during a show in East Dallas. He walked up to her while she was doing her set and said, “Is that you talking? I thought it was the radio and I was like, ‘turn that radio off and play some music.’ ” That experience may make some people want to quit. For Ellis, it was a minor setback but she kept on keeping on and it has been worth it.
Let’s back up a bit: Jasmine Ellis was brought up in Arlington, Texas in the heart of the Dallas/Ft. Worth Metroplex. She didn’t grow up as a hardcore comedy fan. Ellis casually watched shows like Comic View and found herself drawn to minority and female comedians.
Being extroverted and having a degree in Communications and Broadcasting makes Ellis very comfortable on stage. A friend encouraged her to try open mics and they’d work on material together before each show. It stuck, and she kept working at it, growing her set, and developing her voice and style.
To cut an entertaining story short, click the link and give Ellis’ interview with Valerie Lopez a listen. It’s a fun ride with Ellis talking about having to write jokes, not liking writing, minorities and women in the comedy scene, her transition to Austin, and much more. I always find a comedian’s joke writing method to be very interesting. Ellis’ is particularly fascinating to me, though I’m not sure why. Maybe because I don’t recall coming across someone who has a degree similar to mine, but doesn’t like to write.
One thing to look forward to is the release of the 3rd season of Standup Empire. Ellis appears on the lineup as the “out-of-town” comic, but we’re glad she now makes Austin her home. Jasmine Ellis is certainly a busy comic, and by clicking any of the below links, you can find out her upcoming appearances and shenanigans as she pursues her limitless future:
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