Heckle Her Presents: Hoot!

April 27, 2016

By Dave

Adri­enne Dawes and her com­pa­ny, Heck­le Her, brings their com­e­dy music cabaret Hoot! back to the Sal­vage Van­guard The­ater for the sec­ond year in a row.

Adri­enne Dawes (Source: Adri​enneDawes​.com)

I saw part Dawes’ sketch show, Love Me Tin­der a while back at the New Move­ment The­ater and was enam­ored by it. But Love Me Tin­der isn’t her only project, she’s writ­ten and pro­duced sev­er­al plays and has won Stan­ley and Eve­lyn Lip­kin Prize for Play­writ­ing. I could post all her cred­its, but it’s writ­ten more elo­quent­ly on her web­site. In a nut­shell, Adri­enne Dawes is busy, and her hard work has paid off.

Hoot Is Back


Hoot! is a music and com­e­dy cabaret in its sec­ond year. The con­cept is to mix local come­di­ans and musi­cians into a night of enter­tain­ment befit­ting a venue like the Sal­vage Van­guard The­ater. The the­ater will be clos­ing soon but they are going out with a bang… or hoot. Dawes has curat­ed an exten­sive line up for this year’s Hoot! Check it out:

Girls Girls Girls — Impro­vised Musicals

Michael Fer­sten­feld (SON­DEIM FOR ONE)

South­paw Jones

Ammon Tay­lor

Mag­gie Maye

Megan Sher­rod & Quinn Buckner

Ker­ri Atwood

Bryan Lubu’ Roberts (Ghet­to Sketch Warlock)

MC Harold

Ryan Dar­bonne (Dem Beach Boys)

Ryan Fechter

Nitra Gutier­rez, Katie Goan & Man­di LeBlanc

Khat­tie Q (Catali­na la O)

Michael Joplin (Man­a­tee­man)

Chris­tine Hoang & Annie Kim Hedrick

Erik Secrest

Jay Byrd (Edith Piaf and a Wash­tub Bass)

Jar­rett King & friends (Mouth House)

Loose Threads (Tapes­try Singers)

Love Me Tinder

The line up is a cor­nu­copia of Austin’s music/​comedy scene. South­paw Jones brings his folky flair and love of Fat­ty Arbuck­le to the event whileDe MC Harold mix­es improv and rap. Whether you’re a rap, or folk fan (or any­thing else for that mat­ter) Hoot! has some­thing for you. On top of that, you get to see Mag­gie Maye live.

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​i​X​U​D​L​f​u​h​5​r​g​&​w​=​560&​h=315]


There are plen­ty of ways to get those sweet sweet Hoot! tick­ets. If you buy them ear­ly bird style, they only cost $8.00 on the Heck­le Her site. Hoot! has two shows this week­end Fri­day, April, 29th and Sat­ur­day, April, 30th at 10:30pm. The Sal­vage Van­guard The­ater is locat­ed at 2803 E Manor Rd in Austin.