Giulia Rozzi Returns to Austin

October 2, 2015

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Giu­lia Rozzi is com­ing back to Austin. Last year she brought her one per­son show, Bad Bride, with her and made her­self very com­fort­able at the New Move­ment The­ater. This year, she left the show at home but found a com­e­dy part­ner named Will Miles.

She’s Back!

The New York City based duo are set to head­line the New Move­ment The­ater on Octo­ber 6th. I men­tioned in my arti­cle about Zac Brooks about how the New Move­ment The­ater’s avant-garde approach to com­e­dy leaves room for very cre­ative com­e­dy shows., so ti’s nat­ur­al for Rozzi and Miles to want get to the cool lit­tle the­ater on 7th and Lavaca.

Giu­lia Rozzi is a huge fan of the sto­ry telling style of com­e­dy. Her pas­sion for the craft has land­ed her in and on a vari­ety of media out­lets, shows and pro­grams. Here’s a a piece from the press release, She’s [Rozzi] appeared on Tru TV’s How To Be A Grown Up, Com­e­dy Central’s This Is Not Hap­pen­ing, Vh1, Chelsea Late­ly, The Jim Gaffi­gan Show, Play­boy TV, and CNN. As a writer Giu­lia has worked on MTV’s Girl Code and Silent Library, Bravo’s Odd Mom Out and TV Land’s Younger. She has also con­tributed to BUST Mag­a­zine, Esquire, xoJane, Play­girl, The Huff­in­g­ton Post and more. She has also per­formed and writ­ten two solo shows: Stu­pid For­eign­ers and Bad Bride (which recent­ly toured to Lon­don) and also co-hosts the long-run­ning nation­al­ly tour­ing sto­ry­telling show Stripped Sto­ries.” Giu­lia Rozzi also has an ongo­ing web series called See­ing Oth­er People.

All Com­e­dy is wel­come at The new Move­ment Theater

As for Will Miles, he’s also been a busy bee. Orig­i­nal­ly from Chica­go, Miles has been per­form­ing stand up since 2005. With­in that time he’s toured with… well, just read his part of the press release, He’s appeared on Tru TV’s Friends Of The Peo­ple and the Fusion Net­work. He has been fea­tured on Han­ni­bal Buress’ My Name Is Han­ni­bal tour and has worked with such acts as Aries Spears, Felipe Esparza, Eric Andre, Jer­rod Carmichael, and Bill Bel­lamy. Cur­rent­ly he hosts the wild­ly pop­u­lar Com­e­dy At The Knit­ting Fac­to­ry show every Sun­day in Brooklyn.”

Get to the New Movement

The show at the New Move­ment The­ater isn’t the only thing Rozzi has going on. She’s teach­ing sto­ry­teller class­es at the New Move­ment The­ater on Wednes­day the 7th. The two hour class is designed to teach peo­ple to twist their life sto­ries into humor­ous barbs which will make the stu­dent the toast of any par­ty. The last part isn’t guar­an­teed. By the way, she’s rumored to be per­form­ing some­where else in town, but it’s top secret.

[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​h​M​u​d​s​f​o​W​j​e​U​&​w​=​420&​h=315]

So there you have it, two pos­si­ble oppor­tu­ni­ties to see Giu­lia Rozzi do her stand-up thing and one oppor­tu­ni­ty to learn how she does it.

The New Move­ment Show starts at 7pm and tick­ets are $10.00 online or $12.00 at the door.

The Sto­ry Tellers Class starts at 6:30pm and costs $50.00. There is a 10 per­son lim­it for this workshop.

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