2015 Funniest Person in Austin Week 1 Roundup

April 13, 2015

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The 30th annu­al Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin Con­test kicked off last Mon­day with a bang. This year, I’ll be pro­vid­ing you with week­ly updates of who moves on to the next round, joke of the night win­ners and so on.

Mon­day Night

Mon­day night had three ladies advance to the next round. Kat Ramzin­s­ki, Mag­gie Criss and Sara June all advanced to the next round of the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin Con­test. I don’t recall see­ing Mag­gie Criss or Sara June live but I’ve seen Kat Ramzin­s­ki on many occa­sions and she’s rock sol­id. There’s an edge to com­e­dy that makes you think she’d be a good per­son to have your back in a bar fight.

The win­ner of the alter­na­tive spot was Bob Khosravi.

Tues­day Night

Tues­day saw John Buse­man, Zac Brooks and Casey Craw­ford advance to the next round. Besides stand up com­e­dy, John Buse­man is a sketch com­e­dy vet, and can fre­quent­ly be found at The New Move­ment The­ater (seri­ous­ly, this the­ater keeps work­ing its way into my arti­cles). I’ve seen Zac Brooks at Punch!, Sure Thing, and at oth­er shows across town. He’s par­tic­i­pat­ing in the Moon­tow­er Com­e­dy Fest along with Buse­man this year as well.

The win­ner of the alter­na­tive spot was Arielle Norman.


[youtube https://​www​.youtube​.com/​w​a​t​c​h​?​v​=​4​t​y​g​W​39​j​V​C​g​&​w​=​560&​h=315]

Com­e­dy is sub­jec­tive and the best way to help your favorite come­di­an advance is to get to the club on the night they’re com­pet­ing and sup­port them.

Cap City Com­e­dy Club’s box office opens at 10 AM and tick­ets can be pur­chased in advance by call­ing 5124672333. The Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin con­test will being going on until Mon­day, May 18th when the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin will be crowned. Please remem­ber that the club has a two item min­i­mum pol­i­cy and NO HECK­LING!

Feel free to fol­low this site on twit­ter: @ComedyWham