On the Move With Ella Gale

November 9, 2016

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Like the ori­gins of com­e­dy itself, my feel­ings about Ella Gale may be best rep­re­sent­ed as a quan­tum super­po­si­tion: two states at once ‑both joy and sad­ness. The for­mer comes from the hilar­i­ty and pres­ence she has brought to the Austin com­e­dy scene, and the lat­ter from the fact that she is mov­ing to Los Ange­les in ear­ly 2017. At the same time I’m also hap­py about her future suc­cess there. So that’s three states at least. Physics is amaz­ing, y’all.

The odd­ly tech­ni­cal intro up there came about after lis­ten­ing to Valerie cov­er Ella Gale’s dual lives in per­form­ing and engi­neer­ing (R.I.P. to the sec­ond life as of when this was record­ed). I can relate to how she method­i­cal­ly approach­es comedic endeav­ours and the many videos and sketch­es she’s cre­at­ed and refined.

Ella Gale: The Past

For a young come­di­an, Gale has a hefty, and world­ly, his­to­ry behind her. Her path led through Col­orado, Mon­tana, Yemen and Austin is def­i­nite­ly one rarely trav­eled. In col­lege, Gale took advan­tage of var­ied Lib­er­al Arts and Sci­ences top­ics. She picked up skills in areas that ulti­mate­ly make per­fect sense for the rig­or and cre­ativ­i­ty she brings to stage and video. In Part One of her inter­view, we learn more about her his­to­ry, how a bad job mar­ket and coin­ci­den­tal con­nec­tion led to re-ignit­ing her per­form­ing career, and how she became involved in sev­er­al projects that local com­e­dy fans will cer­tain­ly know by name.

Ella Gale: Current

Fresh off a per­for­mance at the Bridgetown com­e­dy fes­ti­val in June, Valerie jumps into Part Two cov­er­ing the major changes hap­pen­ing in Ella Gale’s life and careers. We dis­cov­er how to slake our unend­ing thirst for gen­er­al (and just accu­rate enough) knowl­edge about giraffes, Los Ange­les vs New York, and final­ly reveal the name of her agent. Don’t for­get to check out Ella’s YouTube chan­nel; she’ll know if you don’t.

Catch Ella Gale on Naughty Bits on Novem­ber 11th and Decem­ber 16th, the only two remain­ing with her at the New Move­ment The­ater. She also has two upcom­ing Mas­ter Pan­cake shows on Novem­ber 11th and 12th at the Alamo Ritz. Find more show dates and videos at her web­site, ella​gale​com​e​dy​.com. Be sure to fol­low her on Face­book. Her lat­est video cov­ers a new dat­ing ser­vice that is sure to have many rolling over in their graves, or, if you’re lucky, your bed. 

Here are a few more top­ics to check out from the interview:

Ella Gale