Dave Buckman: Back for the Future
November 13, 2022
Steve Rogers

As dutiful Austinites (or perhaps due to just being particularly susceptible to peer pressure), we at CW consider recycling important. To show our dedication, Valerie opens this week’s episode, with returning guest Dave Buckman, by repurposing many of the credits and accolades we used last time.
Given the four year delta since Buckman last sat down with us, you’d be forgiven for thinking that surely there must be more new with him than “gently-upcycled” content. This is where I must quietly pull you aside and remind you of the global pandemic that hit…well, everyone, but certainly the comedy industry. Standup comics suffered the loss of stage time (and often, you know, actual COVID) for nigh unto 2 years. Coldtowne Theater — of which Buckman is (still) co-owner and executive producer — being a physical space dedicated to comedic training, got hit, as they say, coming and going.
Students and classes are somewhat inextricably tied; one without the other just doesn’t get the job done. And certainly no one pays for a class they can’t take, or gets paid for the one they can’t teach. Classes being the better part of Coldtowne’s bread-and-butter meant that COVID not only halted growth but effectively shuttered the enterprise.
Not that pandemics have a “good time” to rear their heads, but for Buckman and Coldtowne it was especially painful. “We were so poised to launch into a stratosphere,” he says of the days before COVID landed in full force. In February 2020 they had actually put down a deposit on a new space to absorb their growth, and found themselves in a fight to get the money back when the world went sideways (so, so sideways).
So, like so many of us, Buckman and co-owner Tauri Laws-Phillip turned to the [online space] to try and keep the lights on and laughs going while everything else stood still. (“If Tauri hadn’t joined Coldtowne ownership, I don’t know that Coldtowne would still be here,” Buckman says of her joining the partnership). Befitting a school that puts their all into teaching comedy, the productions weren’t your average webcam fodder either, with shows like The Emma Dilemma and Strangetown, produced as actual three camera shoots. The shows continue today, so follow them (for free!) on their [Twitch channel].
It’s convenient and has a great reach, but the online shows only scratch a tiny portion of what Coldtowne itches for: teaching stand-up, sketch, and improv to people, and hosting shows that showcase them (and the Austin comedy scene in general). It’s no secret we’ve had a recent influx of of performers post-COVID, and Coldtowne wants to support them all, whether Austin is a permanent home for them or just a training ground.
“[We know we’re] a stepping stone to LA, Chicago and New York, and I’m proud to be that,” Buckman says, and “I think the more people that we get out there, the better Austin is, the better Coldtowne is.” To that end, and because the show must always go on, Coldtowne has moved to a fantastic new location that — while not _their_forever home, either — provides the space and amenities needed to keep their community going (and growing). The doors opened November 3rd at 1700 East 2nd St, and the return has begun. Buckman notes that classes and audiences are still at about 50% of normal, but there’s every indication that will only continue to increase through the next 14 months they plan to be at the location. It’s not only the results that keep people coming back, but the Coldtowne team’s passion for their students and audiences. “I love teaching improv and sketch… [getting people] in touch with their senses of humor,” Buckman beams. “I love watching people blossom.”
And when the 14 months are up? The plans are well into the works (really resuming) to build their dream home (or find a spectacular existing offering). As with all things, Coldtowne wants to do it properly, and that means soundproof rooms, a hangout space/patio, and a 70 seat theater. It also means money, and Buckman notes they’re only about halfway to their goal.
Closing the gap means getting additional support to the tune of $350K; not a small sum, but given the impact the theater has for the people of Austin (performers & audience, offline and on), it seems a pittance. Buckman jokes that he’s constantly working his contact list for supporters, saying “I’m gonna hit every email address…what else am I holding on to them for?”
If you haven’t been lucky enough to make it onto Buckman’s (checks notes) Yahoo email address book, you can reach out and support them (in any denomination, right up to the whole amount, one wagers) at coldtownetheater.com/support. Of course you can (and should) also frequent the shows Coldtowne hosts (see the shows at coldtownetheater.com), and Buckman confirmed that the weekend trifecta (Friday, Saturday, Sunday shows) is back, ranging from improv to standup to the long-time favorite Sunday night open mic.
For comics and comedy fans, it’s harder to think of a cause that more directly gives dividends back to the community: new faces, experiencing the growth of other performers (or working on your own), and shows to highlight that and more. So get out your wallets (or bring them to a show or three), and help build the next generation of Coldtowne Theater. Dave Buckman, and a host of comedy scenes, will be forever thankful for it.

Follow Dave
- Website — www.rachelanddave.com
- Twitter — @davebuckman
- Instagram — @davebuckman
- Facebook — facebook.com/davebuckman
Follow Coldtowne Theater
- Website — www.coldtownetheater.com
- Linktree — linktr.ee/coldtowne
- Twitter — @ColdTowne
- Instagram — @coldtownetheater
- Facebook — facebook.com/ColdTowne
- TikTok — @coldtowne
- Do512 — do512.com/coldtowne-theater
- Youtube — youtube.com/ColdTowneTV
- Twitch — twitch.tv/coldtownetv
- Merch — coldtowne-16th-anniversary-trust-tee
- Donate — coldtownetheater.com/support
Follow ATX Sketch Fest
- Website — www.atxsketchfest.com
- Twitter — @ATXSketchFest
- Instagram — @atxsketchfest
- Facebook — facebook.com/ATXSketchFest
Dave can be seen and heard:
- Shows — eventbrite.com/coldtowne-theater
- Classes — coldtowne-theater.coursestorm.com/comedy-classes
- Corp. Workshops — coldtownetheater.com/corporate

Valerie Lopez

Richard Goodwin