Danny Goodwin Keeps it Light and Easy

July 7, 2017


We find spe­cial con­nec­tions with every com­ic we inter­view, and this week’s guest is no dif­fer­ent. Let’s start by focus­ing on the most impor­tant: he and I have the same last name. 

It’s actu­al­ly beyond unim­por­tant, but I thought it was a nice coin­ci­dence, and it made it a lot eas­i­er to intro­duce myself when we recent­ly met at the Cap City Com­e­dy open-mic he was host­ing; that’s a win in my book.)

From there, the com­mon­al­i­ties about Dan­ny Good­win and I diverge. If you’ve been to more than a hand­ful of Austin open-mics in the past cou­ple of years, you may have caught me or Valerie Lopez in the audi­ence but will almost cer­tain­ly have seen Good­win on stage. His shag­gy blonde mane, laid-back style, and qui­et con­fi­dence are easy to rec­og­nize and hard to for­get. If not in the clubs, you may also have caught him along­side Andrew Clark­ston and Enzo Pries­nitz as one of the co-hosts of the Gross Lone­ly Boys podcast. 

A native Tex­an, Good­win grew up in Plano, first dab­bling with com­e­dy in the form of improv via the ear­ly kid’s non-prof­it Des­ti­na­tion Imag­i­na­tion. After mov­ing to Austin, it wasn’t until 2014 – 2015 when he tried his hand at stand-up, step­ping behind the mic fol­low­ing the foot­steps of ear­ly influ­ences like Nick Sward­son, Eddie Mur­phy, and Louis CK. He’s since com­pet­ed in the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin 2016 and 2017, and appeared in the Punch com­e­dy show­case run by Matt Bear­den.

Good­win has also expand­ed into host­ing his own month­ly shows like:

  • Chor­tle Por­tal (mov­ing to week­ly in Sep­tem­ber) at Taos Co-op
  • Fill­ing in as guest host (for reg­u­lar host Joey Zim­mer­man) in Glow Show at Gen­uine Joe’s (next on July 22nd)
  • After lis­ten­ing, be sure to catch one of them at your next chance. 

    If you’re catch­ing this episode on the day we pub­lish (July 7th), you can also find him far from home, doing a run of shows in New York. So for our non-local lis­ten­ers, those with pri­vate jets, or any­one hit­ting the Big Apple in the next few days, change your plans to include:

  • July 8th — Freaknik at The Creek and Cave 
  • July 11th — Wil­son at Father Knows Best
    Danny Goodwin