Cody Greenlee Tries New Things

August 15, 2016


Dear Hous­ton,

Thanks you. Thank you for hav­ing a mediocre com­e­dy scene for such a long time. Also, thank you for only being about 3hrs from Austin (12hrs if its a hur­ri­cane). The rea­son why I am thank­ing you is because you’ve sent us great gifts — come­di­ans like Matthew Brous­sard, Lisa Friedrich and Cody Greenlee.


Austin MF’n Texas

Back to our reg­u­lar­ly sched­uled write up: Cody Green­lee grew up tak­ing advan­tage of his par­ents pre­mi­um cable sub­scrip­tion. Den­nis Miller, and Mr Show with Bob and David were ear­ly influ­ences on the young Green­lee, but it was­n’t until he wrapped up his 7th year of junior col­lege, when he start­ed search­ing out open mics, which was trick­i­er than he expect­ed. Like I men­tioned in the thank you note, by the time Green­lee got active, the com­e­dy scene in Hous­ton had dwin­dled to two open mics. TWO OPEN MICS in that big, big city. It took him 45 min­utes to get to Sher­lock­’s from Bay­town. He then wait­ed five hours to do his set.

Green­lee opens up to Valerie Lopez about his style of com­e­dy, his approach to craft­ing sets and the chain events that lead to him tak­ing the stage for the first time at Sher­lock­’s. Coin­ci­den­tal­ly, his sec­ond show at Sher­lock­’s was Matthew Brous­sard’s first show. There’s always some type of six degrees of sep­a­ra­tion here at Com­e­dy Wham.

Cody Green­lee: The Past

Things start­ed click­ing for Green­lee after he moved to Austin. Since the move he’s con­tin­u­ous­ly looked for ways to improve his sets and joke writ­ing. In part two, he opens to up Valerie about his future goals and plans as a comedian.

Cody Green­lee: Current

Green­lee co-hosts an open mic at Cher­ry­wood Cof­fee­house with Eliz­a­beth Spears. They’ve also accept­ed host duties for the Damn Dirty Filthy Show at Nasty’s Bar since Mar­tin Urbano has packed up and left for the Big Apple (good luck, Mar­tin). Be sure to check out the usu­al social media out­lets to find out where he’s per­form­ing next.

Cody Greenlee