Dear Houston,
Thanks you. Thank you for having a mediocre comedy scene for such a long time. Also, thank you for only being about 3hrs from Austin (12hrs if its a hurricane). The reason why I am thanking you is because you’ve sent us great gifts — comedians like Matthew Broussard, Lisa Friedrich and Cody Greenlee.
Austin MF’n Texas
Back to our regularly scheduled write up: Cody Greenlee grew up taking advantage of his parents premium cable subscription. Dennis Miller, and Mr Show with Bob and David were early influences on the young Greenlee, but it wasn’t until he wrapped up his 7th year of junior college, when he started searching out open mics, which was trickier than he expected. Like I mentioned in the thank you note, by the time Greenlee got active, the comedy scene in Houston had dwindled to two open mics. TWO OPEN MICS in that big, big city. It took him 45 minutes to get to Sherlock’s from Baytown. He then waited five hours to do his set.
Greenlee opens up to Valerie Lopez about his style of comedy, his approach to crafting sets and the chain events that lead to him taking the stage for the first time at Sherlock’s. Coincidentally, his second show at Sherlock’s was Matthew Broussard’s first show. There’s always some type of six degrees of separation here at Comedy Wham.
Things started clicking for Greenlee after he moved to Austin. Since the move he’s continuously looked for ways to improve his sets and joke writing. In part two, he opens to up Valerie about his future goals and plans as a comedian.
Greenlee co-hosts an open mic at Cherrywood Coffeehouse with Elizabeth Spears. They’ve also accepted host duties for the Damn Dirty Filthy Show at Nasty’s Bar since Martin Urbano has packed up and left for the Big Apple (good luck, Martin). Be sure to check out the usual social media outlets to find out where he’s performing next.