Checking in With Jeremiah Watkins: From Father to Bros

October 3, 2021

Photo Credit

Nick Larson

2021 Moontower Series

2021 Moontower, in its 10th year, came back strong with a roster of 4 full days of comedy, film, live podcast, and foosballing. We're featuring our favorite conversations from this year's festival this month. Enjoy!

As some may already know, we have fol­lowed Jere­mi­ah Watkins for many years now and these Moon­tow­er check-ins are becom­ing some­what of an anthol­o­gy, as our own Valerie Lopez puts it. I like to think of them as a com­e­dy phys­i­cal for a phys­i­cal come­di­an. We check the pulse of Watkins’ career each time, only to find that it’s stronger and health­i­er with each exam..I mean inter­view. Maybe I’ve tak­en this anal­o­gy too far. We last spoke with Watkins in April of 2019, but thanks to the pan­dem­ic, we obvi­ous­ly missed our 2020 appoint­ment. So how did Watkins fare in a time when so many were locked inside their homes? He cre­at­ed and thrived.

Watkins con­tin­ues to snag amaz­ing guests for his pod­cast Jere­mi­ah Won­ders, when Covid pre­cau­tions allowed, he resumed host­ing his sig­na­ture show­case Stand Up On The Spot at the Com­e­dy Store, and he still holds his title as Mosh Pit, the pop­u­lar road­ie and sax­o­phone play­er for The God­damn Com­e­dy Jam. These are the things that remained from the BC (before Covid), but so much has changed for Watkins per­son­al­ly and professionally.

Moshpit, The Goddamn Comedy Jam (Live at 2021 Moontower)

In April, Watkins released his Ama­zon Prime spe­cial, apt­ly named Jere­mi­ah Watkins: Fam­i­ly Reunion. Per­haps that title was prophet­ic, because on the same date as its release, Watkins and his wife wel­comed their first child (it’s a boy!) into the world. Talk about hav­ing a good day!

But amidst the pan­dem­ic, a lot of things in the com­e­dy world seemed to shift, and when Tony Hinch­cliffe announced his move to Austin and, along with it, his long-run­ning show Kill Tony, Watkins could not make such an abrupt move and his many char­ac­ters on that show would have to find anoth­er out­let (besides Jere­mi­ah Won­ders). Some­times when the com­e­dy gods close one door, they open an incred­i­bly suc­cess­ful win­dow. For Watkins, that win­dow came in the form of his lat­est pod­cast and show, Scis­sor Bros and more sketch videos, includ­ing the How to Get Fired’ sketch series with Josh Wolf . As he puts it, I’m always look­ing to fill my sched­ule and time with some­thing new and creative.”

I’m always looking to fill my schedule and time with something new and creative.
Jeremiah Watkins
Jeremiah Watkins, Steebe Weebee as Scissor Bros (Live at 2021 Moontower)

What had start­ed out as a guest spot on Jere­mi­ah Won­ders, Stee­bee Wee­bee (broth­er of Bob­by Lee) and Watkins had cre­at­ed an alter­nate uni­verse answer to Andrew San­ti­no and Lee’s pod­cast Bad Friends, but unde­ni­able chem­istry, some very strate­gic plan­ning, and the har­ness­ing of one algo­rithm led to a huge hit. After just twen­ty-five episodes, Scis­sor Bros had 50,000 fol­low­ers on YouTube. This year’s Moon­tow­er pre­sent­ed the oppor­tu­ni­ty for Scis­sor Bros to come to Austin and the show was so much fun, I’m still reel­ing. Watkins and Stee­bee Wee­bee not only have that chem­istry with each oth­er, but it spills out into the crowd and the con­nec­tion with fans is infec­tious. There are no pas­sive par­tic­i­pants at a Scis­sor Bros show…you become immersed, and you should def­i­nite­ly put it on your Moon­tow­er 2022 must-see list (yes, we’re already call­ing it…they will be back).

It's definitely trying to be a little bit more savvy with my time rather than just saying yes to everything.
Jeremiah Watkins

But how have all these changes affect­ed Jere­mi­ah Watkins on a cre­ative and per­son­al lev­el? As we have watched the evo­lu­tion of Watkins in the last five years, he has gone from the ener­getic eager say yes to all oppor­tu­ni­ties that come your way” to the ener­getic eager be selec­tive and judi­cious with your time and the way you spend it.” Watkins appears to be focused more than ever on the goals he’s set forth, but in find­ing the work/​family bal­ance, that focus has been honed to a much fin­er pre­ci­sion. His goal of being on a sketch show is still alive and well, whether it be an SNL or one of his own cre­ation. Giv­en our time in watch­ing Watkins devel­op as a cre­ator and per­former, I’m pulling for the lat­ter because I guar­an­tee you it’s a show you’d nev­er want to turn off.

Fol­low Jeremiah

Jere­mi­ah can be seen and heard:

  • Debut Spe­cial: Jere­mi­ah Watkins: Fam­i­ly Reunion (Ama­zon, Google Play, Apple TV)
  • Pod­casts (avail­able on Youtube and your favorite pod­cast player)
    • The Scis­sor Bros
    • Jere­mi­ah Wonders
    • The Build­ing Years
  • Album — Regan and Watkins (2019)
  • Host­ed Shows — Standup on the Spot at The Com­e­dy Store
  • Video Series — How to Get Fired” video series fea­tur­ing Josh Wolf
  • Road­ie Mosh Pit” for The God­damn Com­e­dy Jam

Fol­low Com­e­dy Wham on Twit­ter, Insta­gram, Face­book, Youtube, Twitch, and Dis­cord. Search for @ComedyWham to find us!

Jeremiah Watkins