CCPP with Valerie Lopez & Ellis Aych: Lesson #8 - Get Paid (Know Your Worth)
October 23, 2024
Richard Goodwin
Valerie Lopez and Ellis Aych have teamed up to record a 10-part comedy class inspired by the hilarious Comedy Wham Presents episode with Ellis as guest.
Each episode is a rapid-fire 30 minutes and full of … nonsense covered in helpful pointers.
A wise philosopher once said "Cash rules everything around me C.R.E.A.M. "
Whether it's Comedy or Cash, they both rule everything around me !!! Which is why it's important to understand both!!!
Learn how to set boundaries and get paid for the shit you do !!!!
A show at a coffee house won't get paid the same as at a bar or club, or theater show, or corporate gigs or opening for a headlining touring comic. Understanding different pay structures: base, % of door, door split. What are the metrics to judge your value as a comic to know what to get paid? Find out how many comics are on the lineup and how much time you're getting. All of this will help you prepare to have conversations about pay. We didn't even mention it, but you'll often hear about getting paid in "drink tickets" - it's a thing. We're not fans, but for some comics, it works. Just make sure you don't make an a$$ of yourself by hoarding the tickets and becoming an embarrassment (If so, revisit Lesson #6)

Are you bringing fans to the club or the show? There's the age old debate (actually since COVID) - do clubs book people because they're funny or because they bring their fans who spend money? Being TikTok viral is a real thing and sometimes you can get booked at a club if you have tons of followers (but you may not be as funny as you thought). Figure out the minimum amount that you're willing to get paid. That may mean you turn down offers, and that's ok. If you know you can get paid more than your minimum, you can focus on being the best you can be.

If a booker doesn't mention money when they book you, don't assume they will. Especially when you're starting out, they may know they can take advantage of your newness. As practice for your future ability to negotiate, you should bring it up if they don't. If they don't, maybe you shouldn't work with them. Don't buy the "you're doing it for the exposure" line - although as with everything, there are exceptions. In general, we feel strongly believe that producers should be talking about pay when they book you. If someone keeps postponing paying you, you'll know not to work with them again. And for all the shady producers out there, there are some amazing producers that do their best to pay you and pay you promptly - show them gratitude and learn from them!

Valerie Lopez

Valerie Lopez