CCPP with Valerie Lopez & Ellis Aych: Lesson #3 - Find a Mentor
September 18, 2024
Richard Goodwin
Valerie Lopez and Ellis Aych have teamed up to record a 10-part comedy class inspired by the hilarious Comedy Wham Presents episode with Ellis as guest.
Each episode is a rapid-fire 30 minutes and full of … nonsense covered in helpful pointers.
Luke had Yoda
Daniel had Miyagi
We had yo mama
Okay that last one was I can't talk about because we signed a "non disclosure" 🙄 (<== that was Ellis talking)
Anyway, find you someone to show you the ropes.... OR DONT... I'm not your Dad 🙃 (<== yeah, that was Ellis again)
Just like it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a whole city to raise a comic.
Maybe you've been hitting the mics and you want to create your own show. Maybe you've decided to go on tour. Maybe you're landing the bookings you want, but need added motivation. Who do you turn to? A mentor can help answer all the questions that will help you navigate the future of your career.

Is it someone who's funny or is it someone who's good at the business of comedy? We honestly don't know. We do know that someone within the comedy scene will understand what you're trying to do better than someone you go to school with or work with. A good mentor may even be perceived as a role model. A good mentor wants to help others succeed and isn't all about looking out for themselves. Ellis and Valerie give shout outs to Symply Courtney, Rochelle McConnico, Angelina Martin, and even Lando Shepard for being great mentors in their own way.

Sure, you want someone in your corner, but you need the right person in your corner. Be discerning about your choice. Maybe your mentor is blowing smoke up your a$$. In any scene or industry, you'll find good people, bad actors, and snake oil salesmen. Don't just take someone's advice at face value, consider the person's credibility and how their guidance is relevant to your circumstances. And by the way, maybe 1 person isn't enough to be your mentor, maybe you need a team of mentors!

Valerie Lopez

Valerie Lopez