Carina Magyar Has Found Her Voice

May 7, 2016

Photo Credit

Carrie Smith/Stand Up Empire

Cari­na Mag­yar is the friend you did­n’t real­ize you need­ed in your life. She was raised in Den­ver and has had a love/​hate rela­tion­ship with stand up com­e­dy. She’s recent­ly set­tled into her com­e­dy rou­tine while trans­form­ing her­self. Quite lit­er­al­ly, Cari­na has been tran­si­tion­ing from a man to a woman and speaks elo­quent­ly about trans­gen­der issues. Mag­yar sits down with me to dis­cuss com­e­dy, tran­si­tion­ing, dat­ing and parenting.

In part one of her inter­view, Cari­na Mag­yar talks about her jour­ney from Den­ver where her fam­i­ly was marooned, to Queens­land, Aus­tralia to San­ta Cruz, Cal­i­for­nia and final­ly Austin. After a few false starts in oth­er cities, Mag­yar final­ly gets hooked on stand up com­e­dy in Austin. Along the way, she finds her voice as a woman and life starts falling into place for her.

Cari­na Mag­yar Part 1: The Past

In part two of her inter­view, Mag­yar talks about her Jan­u­ary 2016 arti­cle in Austin Month­ly, In Her Shoes” and how social media can be a plat­form to change peo­ple’s mis­con­cep­tions about being transgender.

Cari­na Mag­yar Part 2: Current

Mag­yar is cel­e­brat­ing a lot of comedic suc­cess: from tak­ing over host­ing duties at Live at Cold­towne to pro­duc­ing Date or Die to advanc­ing in the Fun­ni­est Per­son in Austin con­test. Her approach­able style both on and off stage makes you want to be best friends.

Carina Magyar