Brent Gill

December 23, 2024

Photo Credit

Brent Gill


Brent Gill’s dri­ve (lit­er­al­ly and fig­u­ra­tive­ly) to do standup has con­se­quent­ly informed his busi­ness sense. Between the Boul­der Com­e­dy Show, Hole Heck­lers, and the mul­ti-state com­e­dy-ther­a­py show Good Ses­sions, and open­ing for leg­ends of com­e­dy, Gill has his hands in mul­ti­ple enti­ties that all exist large­ly thanks to his savviness.

In his inter­view with Valerie, Gill talks about his finan­cial cal­cu­lus’, his steady rise in pop­u­lar­i­ty, and how he’s earned the secu­ri­ty to do what he loves most: mak­ing peo­ple laugh.

Location. Location. Location.

After cutting his teeth in Denver, sojourning in New York and spending a few years in LA, Gill knows what he likes about each comedy hub. Whatever preferences he has for New York’s standup scene lost the fight to LA’s providing for his love of the simple things (golf and race cars).

Now living in Austin, he has even more perspective. “It's the capital of comedy right now. But still, the stock exchange of comedy is New York,” Gill states, comparing Austin to the long-established comedy giant.

What Gill values about Austin is the proximity; unlike sprawling LA, much of Austin's venues are concentrated close to each other, "85% of the shows in Austin are ‘right there’ (downtown)."

[Austin is] the cap­i­tal of com­e­dy right now. But still, the stock exchange of com­e­dy is New York.
Brent Gill
On "Live from Gilladelphia"

After years of producing The Boulder Comedy Show and opening for headliners like David Spade and Colin Jost, it was only a matter of time before Gill got his own special.

Recorded at the Helium Comedy Club, Live From Gilladelphia is a triumphant first for Gill, and a learning experience for the comic as well. Gill recalls the advice given to him on acting natural for the camera, and the suggestion that he avoid getting burnt out on his material before the recording.

He recalls some of the most useful suggestions he got while preparing for his taping. "Don’t forget you’re doing a show, so don’t play it up for the camera. And don’t overrun your set, because it’s gonna get stale for you by the time you finally run it." The advice paid off and if you haven't had a chance to watch it, you'll see a fresh, high-energy performance that doesn't feel like it was practiced word for word a million times.

Don’t over­run your set, because it’s gonna get stale for you by the time you final­ly run it.
Brent Gill
Helping comics help others

Gill is at the helm of Hole Hecklers. Aside from providing comedic distraction to golfers, Hole Hecklers raised $413,000 for different charities this year.

It is also another opportunity Gill provides for working comedians. “What’s cool about this is I get to pay other comics money now,” Gill says. “I get to create work for other comedians so that they can leave their day job.” Gill sees to it that Hole Hecklers gives comics a daytime gig that they can do alongside evening open mics. Those under Gill's employment are also granted his mentorship in the business side of comedy.

You’ll nev­er see me light up more than when I tell a per­son how to talk to a sponsor.
Brent Gill
Putting himself out there

Gill’s been a working comic since well before Instagram reels became the main source of exposure, so he’s no stranger to old methods of self-promotion. Undeterred by failed attempts to get on the Comedy Works open mic, a young Gill first performed standup comedy in his high school talent show. In 2004 he went door-to-door in his college dorm and gathered fifty other freshmen to watch his hour set in the basement. Of the experience, Gill recounts "I just riffed an hour. And that went really well. I'm sure. I mean, it's all subjective.".

This self-motivation gives you insight into the multitude of projects and hobbies that Gill has thrown himself into. Some less costly than others (don't ask him about his BMW and golf spending habits).

I just riffed an hour. And that went real­ly well. I’m sure. I mean, it’s all subjective.
Brent Gill

Fol­low Brent

Fol­low Good Session

Fol­low Boul­der Com­e­dy Show

Fol­low Hole Hecklers

Brent can be seen and heard:

  • Good Ses­sion
    • The Creek and the Cave, Austin — 1st, 3rd and 5th Sun­day at 6pm
    • Den­ver — pop­ups — watch Good­Ses­sion’s feed
  • Live from Gilladel­phia — debut special
  • Boul­der Com­e­dy Show — Boul­der’s longest run­ning show!
  • Hole Heck­lers — roast­ing golfers for charity
  • Broke Down Garage Podcast

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Brent Gill