Brendan K. O'Grady Checks In

January 21, 2017

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Time flies. Just over a year ago, Com­e­dy Wham start­ed record­ing inter­views with Austin area come­di­ans. It start­ed with an inter­view with the hosts of Sure Thing, a pret­ty rad show­case every Sat­ur­day at the Austin Java on Lamar and Park­way. Bren­dan K. O’Grady and Dun­can Car­son are basi­cal­ly the Bat­man and Robin of the Austin com­e­dy scene… wait, I’m not fan of D.C. Let’s do a Mar­vel ref­er­ence: Cable and Dead­pool? Iron­man and Cap­tain Amer­i­ca? Oh well, you get it.

Valerie Lopez catch­es up with Bren­dan K. O’Grady to catch up on things and see how Sure Things Records is going. O’Grady is excit­ed about where things are going regard­ing the record label. Two of their sev­en releas­es topped the iTunes com­e­dy charts. That’s some­thing to be proud of con­sid­er­ing the amount of con­tent being put out on the site.

Com­e­dy Wham Presents: Bren­dan K. O’Grady

With the suc­cess of the record label and the con­tin­ued stand­ing room only shows, O’Grady and Car­son have no plans to leave Austin in the near future. The qual­i­ty of the come­di­ans this city fos­ters is incred­i­ble. It’s not sur­pris­ing they leave to big­ger cities like L.A. and New York to grow their careers. It’s good to know (from a com­e­dy fan’s per­spec­tive) Car­son and O’Grady have decid­ed to stay here.

Always cheery and affa­ble, Bren­dan K. O’Grady gives a light­heart­ed run­down of Sure Things Records’ upcom­ing plans, teas­es their lat­est album and dis­cuss­es any future com­pi­la­tion albums with the Ter­ry Gross of Austin’s com­e­dy scene. If you want to check out Sure Thing Records go to their web­site. All records are avail­able for dig­i­tal down­load. As for O’Grady, well, he can be found all over the web and of course, at Austin Java every Sat­ur­day night.

Brendan K. O'Grady